Yes! Are you?

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Cleo and I arrived home to our penthouse at around 4pm, it was good to be home. She ran off towards her room happily, leaving me alone with the suitcases in the empty house.

The staff weren't due to come back till tomorrow, and Neilson had headed home after dropping us off. I won't lie, I'm dying to go back to work again. I carry her suitcase through the hallway to the laundry before doing the same with mine, loading all of the clothes into the washer and turning it on

I think.

I can't say I've used a washing machine before.

I hoped for the best, carrying the much lighter cases up the stairs, laying hers on her floor so that she could unpack her toys before continuing down to my own bedroom.

I put away my things like makeup and shoes that I had before stripping down and stepping into the large shower, letting the hot water take over my body, washing away the morning sickness and the plane germs.

I glanced at myself in the mirror. If anything, I just looked bloated, not pregnant. And if I was to suck in, it would go away. I felt a pang in my chest, realising that it was yet another pregnancy that I'm gonna have to do alone.

I know I'm not alone alone. I look down to the shiny rock on my finger, he's my fiancé. We're in love. I'm marrying Lucas Friar. But he's not here right now. I'd do anything to get rid of this situation, once I return to work I'll look into starting up a branch in Texas.

But who knows how many months that would take.

"Maya!?" A woman's voice called from down the hall. My face brightened. Riley. I quickly slipped on an oversized T-shirt and some sweatpants, exiting my bedroom swiftly.

She stood at the top of the grand staircase, a smile on her face. She took one look at me, and then screamed. "What? What's wrong? What happened!" Farkle rushed up the stairs behind Riley, gasping for air as he saw we were both fine

"Oh it's all fine..god Riley you scared me" he breathed. "No farkle! It's not all fine! She's engaged!" Her jaw dropped to the floor, pointing to my hand which was by my side. I screwed my face up "you're like a magpie Riley! I hadn't even said anything yet!" I defend

She nodded proudly, "it's a skill! Now come on tell me everything!" She reaches for me, dragging me down the stairs to the large couch in the living room. I sat beside her as she slipped the ring off my finger, playing with it in her hand

"Lucas proposed to you? After only a month or so! That's so quick.." she breathed. I shrugged, "I mean, it's not like we can break up and have nothing to do with each other..not with cleo around" I laugh "oh right..I forgot you have a kid.." she passed the ring over to Farkle

"How'd it happen? A big grand gesture?" He asked. I shook my head, " of the days we were there, he and Zay looked after cleo while Isadora and I went shopping..I assumed he must've got it then because he proposed the day after..we were at the park having a was small and it was on the spot..I don't think he planned it too much..he said he wanted it to just be our little the sun on a grassy was perfect.." I dreamed as I recalled the day

"I guess you might quite like have everything, you could pay for him to propose on top of Everest if you wanted too..but him doing something small shows that he loves you, that the money doesn't Matter" Riley replied

I nodded, "exactly..and we're gonna talk about who's gonna move up or if we're moving's perfect.." I smile to myself, standing up from the couch to the wine rack "do you want a drink?" I ask, picking up a bottle of her favourite red

Her mouth visibly watered, " I'm okay thank you.." she denied, a subtle smile on her face. I furrowed my eyebrows, putting the bottle back down "oh you can have some though! Don't not drink because I'm not" she stated

I returned back to my seat beside her "No..actually I'm not drinking at the moment.." I trail off "Yea neither.." she replied. I nodded, my eyes widening moments later. My head whipped to hers, her expression was a photocopy of mine

"Are you..?" We ask at the same time "Yes, are you?" We day again. I gasp, her arms flying around my neck on a hug "Riley! You're pregnant?" I gush, my eyes watering happily. She nodded, "yep..we found out when you were away.." she smiled, looking between Farkle and I

"Aww you guys! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations" I pouted, hugging both Riley and Farkle again "but what about you? Baby number two?" Farkle asked. I nodded, "yep. I found out while I was gone too" I laugh

"How far along do you think you are?" Riley questioned. I shrugged, "I'm not too sure, but I'm pretty sure it'll be from Italy" I reply. Her eyes widened again, "ours will be from Italy too.." Farkle muttered

"Did you guys plan to get pregnant? On the same night?" He spoke louder. We shook our heads, "our babies are gonna be best friends! They're going to do everything together!" Riley beamed

"Riles..that's if we stay in New York..what if we move?" I frown, a sad look spreading over her face.

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