this better be good mimi

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10:30 am - 2 weeks later

- Maya

since leaving texas not much has changed. i haven't heard from Lucas, Riley or Farkle. Cleo still asks about him just not as much, she's still waiting for him to come home.

"bubba it's morning. time for school" i call into her room after leaving my wardrobe in my work attire. a pencil skirt and white blouse witch classic louboutin heels. "okay mommy" she calls back shuffling out of bed to get dressed.

once she comes down she's wearing a pretty black dress with white flowers "eat your breakfast Neilson will be here any minute" i say guiding her to her breakfast "mommy daddy's taking ages to come home is he here yet?" she asks taking a spoonful of fresh fruit into her mouth "yes baby soon" i say kissing her head. i'm lying to my child, lucas doesn't even know. 

"Mini-Money you ready for school" i hear a voice sound through the apartment "Oh mimi your looking gorgeous" he says kissing the air toward me making me giggle "thank you neilson" i smile "Neilson mommy said daddy's almost here! i'm so excited" Cleo tells him as he walks into the kitchen "well then you better go get your school bag so the day goes by quicker right?" he says giving her an idea to which she then runs out of the kitchen. as soon as she's out of sight he turns to me with that look he always gives me about Lucas that "you need to tell him your lying to your kid" look

"yea i know but she will forget soon" i say trying to justify myself "Maya i'm about to book your ass on a plane back to texas" he says a hint of sarcasm in his voice "i'm here Neilson" Cleo says as she comes running back into the kitchen "say bye to mommy then" he tells her and she does.

i crouch to her level and give her a kiss bye "i'll pick you up later love bug okay" i tell her, she nods "bye mommy love you" she says leaving the kitchen. Neilson turned back around to me "when are you gonna stop being a stupid bitch and go and get that man of yours" he says before leaving the kitchen leaving me alone. i laugh at his sarcasm and grab my bags for work and take them down to the car for work.

he's right, everyone's right how many times have i got to sit here saying they're right but never telling him? okay maya this is it now. you're telling him. but how?

when i arrive to the office i make my way to my office and sit down at my desk. atleast i have work, it keeps me distracted. we've been really busy since i got back from texas, i've had
to come in each day. "miss hunter there's a new case file for you. a father wanting split custody of their daughter" one of the office assistants said as she came into the office. great. could the universe be trying any harder ?

"thank you Miss Hastings, when Neilson gets here can you send him in" i ask, she agrees and leaves the office. about 10 minutes later Neilson comes striding in "this better be good Mimi, i was just about to make my daily coffee" he says dramatically "Neilson you use the coffee machine in my office" i say laughing "oh shush. what u need Mommy money" he replied walking over to the coffee machine.

"i need you to get ahold of Riley Matthews and Farkle Minkus" i tell him writing down their names "ooh the best friends. anything else?" he asks "yes the most expensive Tibetan mastiff puppy you can find" i say giving him the list of things earning a funny look from him "also i need you to book the jet for next week" i add "you know what i'm not even gonna ask why" he laughs as he walks out the office.

just like always, the day dragged on. i spoke to clients and booked court dates you know the average stuff. soon enough it was 2:30 and time to leave. as i was past Neilsons office he calls me in "mimi this is the most expensive i could find" he said turning his computer screen revealing an all black puppy "$10,000, that'll do thank you Neilson. you have my card details" i say before turning around and leaving his office.

"Hi Mommy" Cleo says jumping into my arms "Hi baby, how was school" i ask buckling her into the car "it was good i drew a picture today" she said rummaging though her back pack pulling out a folded up piece of paper. she handed me the paper "wow peach this is so good..what is it?" i ask politely "it's me, you and daddy" she says snatching back the page "oh baby your really excited aren't you?" i ask shyly "I CANT WAIT" she screams making us both giggle

We later get home and into pyjamas ready to watch movies all night. once i'm changed i walk to her room, when i was about to knock on the door i saw her hanging up picture on the wall and my heart shatters "peach what are you doing" i question walking into the room "i know you don't like things on the wall mommy but this ones for daddy" she replies slipping past me and downstairs.

we ate dinner around 6.00pm then sat in the couch and watched movies "hey love bug next week mommy's going to be going away again" i say grabbing her attention "what! you just got back 2 weeks ago!" she said upset "i know baby but don't worry this one is only for 2 days, and you get to stay here" i say trying to comfort her "is Neilson looking after me?" she said hope in her eyes "No baby. actually mommy's best friends are coming to look after you. they're your aunty riley and uncle farkle" i say playing with her hair "what are they like?" she asks "well aunty riley is like you, she's so playful and will take you to so many cool places. and uncle farkle is the nicest guy you'll ever meet, and if your extra good he'll buy you ice cream" i say watching excitement take over her "what about daddy? is my daddy uncle farkle?" Cleo asked snuggling back down to me

"No..he isn't" i say pressing play on the movie again "what's daddy's name mommy" she asked turning back to me "his name is Lucas. Lucas Friar" i tell her, even saying his name makes my heart beat faster "that's why my name is Cleo Friar!" she said excitedly "yes clever girl" i reply

well here goes nothing.

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