how do i tell him i have a kid?

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10:30 am

- Maya

when i woke up Riley and Farkle we're gone leaving me and one shirtless Lucas in bed. this was definitely something i could get used to waking up to. i find myself lying next to him just staring at his gorgeous features. his tanned skin and messy hair, his perfectly defined chest raising up and down as he takes small breaths in his sleep. "stop staring baby" i hear him say in a raspy morning tone that completely turned me on. i smiled and sat up in bed, my back against the headboard with my legs crossed "we gotta get up it's 10:30" i reply giggling at the end. Lucas rolled over so that his body was on top of my crossed legs, his arms made their way around my lower torso and his head placed side ways on my left thigh facing me. i was surprised he did that, it's not what friends do is it ? "stay a few more minutes" he says quietly with the same raspy tone as earlier. i comply to what he said and say there with him, running my fingers through his short blonde hair.

about 5 minutes later he pushed himself off of me "i'm gonna go have a shower is that okay baby" he said as he untangled himself from the hotel duvet. i made a small mhm sound before reaching for my phone and opening the face time app. i waiter till i heard water running before i called my mum to speak to Cleo

"Hi honey how's texas?" my mom asks as she accepts the call

"it's good mom guess who i'm with" i reply

"lucas" she says almost instantly

"what how do you know" i said curiously, how could she know?

"I'm your mother Maya, you don't think i didn't know he would be going to his best friends wedding did you? i'm surprised you didn't figure that one own" she says chuckling at the end. how did i not figure that out ?

"yes well he's here" i said putting on a sarcastic tone

"you should bring him back with you Cleo would love to meet him Maya. she could finally put a face to her last name, and meet her father" mum replies with a small sympathetic smile

"i don't know mum. i'll think about it. can i speak to cleo" i ask to which she hands the phone to my gorgeous girl

"Hi mommy!" she calls through the phone "hi baby how are you" i reply

"i'm good mommy how's texas ? is my daddy there?" she replied as curiosity flashed through her eyes. how would she know he was here?

"how do you know about him bubba?" i ask hopefully, preparing for the worst "cos nana said you were with him at the wedding. i heard your conversation from my bedroom, does this mean you are getting married?? are we gonna be a family" Cleo asked. i sighed, i wish.

"yes he's here but no i'm not getting married, we aren't gonna be a family. sorry baby" i say. i watch as her face saddens "i wanna see him mommy" she says tears in her eyes

i didn't know how much Cleo wanted her father, how wrong it was of me to keep him from her. no one should grow up without a father i remember how middle school was for me before Shawn came into our lives, and "Lucas was one of the only people there for me.

"i'm sorry bubba i know you wanna meet him. maybe one day okay?" i ask. she nods agreeing with meeting him one day, which atleast is better then now.

- Lucas

"bye! i love you" i hear maya say before putting her phone down "who was that?" i ask curiously, she turns around as pale as a ghost "umm it was my um mom" she replied a clearly fake smile on her face

i decided to drop the subject it was clearly something she didn't want to talk about. "so what are you doing today" she asks. remembering it's friday i have to go to work, "i gotta work today for an hour or so" i say pulling my shirt on over my head "what about you though" i ask her

"hmm i might hang out with riley maybe go shopping or something, would you be able to take me to my car on your way?" she replies,
remembering we left her car at the dance studio "of course baby i'll wait here till your ready" i say to hear taking a seat on the sofa. she gets up into the shower, my mind takes me to a place, wondering what she looks like right now. her perfect body standing there the hot water being closer to her body then i'll ever be.

i should probably stop calling her baby, she might think it's weird. i just can't help myself. it's what she is, she's my baby. i'd protect her no matter what if i could.

"hey you ready?" she asks coming out in the most gorgeous outfit, my jaw hits the floor, causing her to giggle and stand in front of me, using her finger to close my jaw. we are now. inches away from each other her eyes flickering down to my lips "um we should go" i say trying my hardest to pull myself out of that situation.

of course i want to kiss her, i would kiss her bone stop forever but if i kiss her my feelings become real. and she'll just go back to New York leaving me again.

we make our way to my bike in a comfortable silence and climb on taking her to her car, i give her a hug goodbye and put the helmet on before climbing on my bike and leaving her be.

- Maya

i almost kissed him.

why didn't he want to kiss me? i know i shouldn't i know it's wrong. but it felt so right. i climb into my car on the way to riley's hotel lost in my thoughts. Cleo wants to meet him? i was always scared she wouldn't. maybe lucas would stick around it i introduced him to her. i mean he's got his business the only thing in the way is him living in texas, and obviously, him not knowing about her.

"hey peaches" Riley says as she climbs into my car "Hey Riles" i reply. we talk about our day, life and everything. we get to the mall and shop for about an hour and a half. i've only spent $300 so far in Chanel but how could i not ?

we're now just sitting down eating junky fast food "so are you gonna tell Lucas ?" she asks distracting me "huh what" i ask confused as to why she brought it up "you've been a bit distracted today peaches. what happened?" she asked sympathetically

"well i was on a call with Cleo this morning and she asked if i'm with him, if i'm getting married and if she can meet him. she wants to be a family" i tell her "Look maya. i honestly think Lucas will do anything to be in her life, you should tell him. even if he doesn't, atleast he will know. and maybe then Cleo and him can meet. if things work out you'll be so happy" riley says to me making me rethink my decision of not telling him "but what if i tell him and he doesn't want anything to do with me or Cleo. i don't think i can handle it Riley" i say saddened by the thought of him leaving again. "do you honestly 100% deep down in your heart think he's that kind of person" she asks. No. i don't. i think he isn't that kind of person at all. "No i don't Riley. but i'm just scared" i reply

"tell him after the wedding?" riley suggested "maybe in a few weeks. i need to figure out how to do it right" i reply

how do i tell him? do i just walk up to him and say surprise you have a kid? this is going to be hard. but for now i'm gonna try not to think about it, let's just get this wedding over with so i can go home.


- Maya

- Maya

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