Pregnant and engaged

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I watched as Lucas put Cleo'a suitcase into the car, followed by the little girl clinging to his side "Ready to go baby?" I ask the small girl. She pouted, burying herself further into his side

He chuckled softly, opening the car door and sitting her in the car seat "I love you baby..I'll see you in a few days, okay?" He kissed her forehead. She nodded, sniffling "okay daddy..I love you too.." she wiped her eyes sadly

"Give me a kiss" he replied, I smiled as she gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek. He smiled too, closing the car door and wiping his cheek "you all packed?" He turned to me

I nodded, checking everything was in my handbag, "when do you think we'll see each other next?" I asked sadly. He shrugged, wrapping his arms around me, "Not long..we still have to sort out moving.." he replied

I shook my head, "Noo I don't wanna talk about'll just lead to an argument about who's doing what.." I giggle with a whine. He chuckled too, "well we have to one day, otherwise we'll never live together" he stated

I nodded, letting go of our hug and pecking his lips "I love you" I say again this lips "i love you too baby" he replied, kissing me again. "Let me know when you land" he added. "I will..I'll send you a picture of the sonogram too.. I have a booked appointment for next Friday" I inform him

"I wish I could be there" he sighed. I pouted, kissing his lips again "one day" I smile before leaving his side and opening the car door "missin you already" I add before getting inside and starting the engine

I drove back to the airport, helping cleo into the jet and sitting across from her. "Mommy why can't daddy come home with us?" She questioned as she looked out the small window during the journey

"Because daddy spent a lot of money to buy a home over there, he'd have to sell the house and move all his stuff up to our home" I explain "do you not want daddy to live with us?" She asked. I shook my head, "of course I do baby. And in a few weeks we will live together, we just need to decide if that's in New York or Texas" I assure her

She nodded, distracting herself with her iPad by watching her kids shows. I tapped my foot impatiently, staring out the window to the moving clouds, a nauseous feeling churning within me. I groan "not again" I hiss, rushing to the bathroom.

I lock the door, dropping down to my knees before emptying my insides out into the toilet. I sigh, wiping the corners of my mouth with toilet paper before fixing myself in the mirror. I glance down to my still flat belly, "please don't be worse then she was" I ask, my hand grazing against my skin

I return back to cleo. She hadn't even looked up from her iPad. I smiled, pulling out my phone and typing on my messages,

Baby's causing morning sickness :(

A few moments later, it beeped again,

Naw I'm sorry..are you feeling okay now? I love you baby..

I couldn't help the smile grow on my face, the warm feeling tingling away in my heart as I imagined what he would be doing right now, probably tidying up the mess cleo made or working out in his gym.

Yea I'm okay, got my little girl to take care of me..she didn't even look up from the iPad..I love you too..

I bit down on my lip, returning my gaze to the window until he replied

of course she didn't..that's our girl..

"Miss, we're preparing to land now" a lady passed by before disappearing to the back of the plane. I buckled cleo in, tucking her long blonde hair behind her ear as the plane soon lowered to the ground

"Neilson!" Cleo beamed, running over to him as the plane doors opened "mini money! How was seeing daddy?" He questioned, attaching her to his hip "iiiiiiii loved it!" She squealed "I miss daddy soo much" she added. He pouted, "I'm sure daddy misses you too mini" he assured her, letting her down on the ground

"Mama money! How was it?" He kissed my cheek, leading us over to the car that was waiting to drive us back hime. "I have so much to tell you" I reply, sitting in the seat across from him

"I hope it a starting with that rock on your finger!" He yanked my hand, inspecting the diamond on my ring finger. "I'm engaged! He proposed at the was just the four of was perfect. It wasn't anything big or was just in the moment and.." I trail off, feeling the heat on my cheeks

He pouted "oh mimi..I'm so happy for you..remember how only a few months ago you were dreading on going to that wedding..and now you're engaged! To baby daddy" he replied. I nodded, "and with baby number two on the way, we're gonna look into moving together" I bit down on my lip

His jaw dropped, "what else do you have to tell me?! Did you buy a country on your trip too? Disappear for a week and come back engaged and pregnant" he chuckled. I laughed too, "and it's all so fast..but I wouldn't change it for the world..I'm just so.." I trail off again, unsure what words to use

"So in love" he smiled softly. I nodded, " love.." I reply.

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