Showers and swimming pools

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"Wow daddy! Mommy I wanna live in daddy's house foreveeerrrr" Cleo squealed as she jumped through the front door of his house "I'm not sure daddy would want you to, baby. This is daddy's home not ours so be gentle with everything, peach" I advice

"Don't worry, M. Of course I want you guys to stay..why would I not?" He questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, "because we are intruding on your life..literally you were single one day and the next your on holiday with your 6 year old daughter and her mom" I laughed awkwardly

"Yes her mom who I love very much and always have, you weren't a one night stand, M" he kissed my forehead before disappearing down the hall Cleo had ran down moments before. I smiled to myself, pulling out my phone to read over any texts

They soon came back, Cleo giggling in his arms as he carried her around, his muscles bulging from the weight "mommy! Daddy showed me my room!" She smiled happily

"Wow baby which one is it?" I question "it's the one with the big fishy tank! I get to name them!" She beamed "you have a fish tank?" I smirk to him "it cane with the house when I bought it, I just feed them" he chuckled

"Daddy has a pool mommy! I Wanna go swimming!" Cleo bounded around as she pressed herself up against the glass window that lead outside "well you have to ask, baby" I reply

"Daddy I please go swimming!" She turned to him "you sure can, princess" he replied, picking up her suitcase and leading her back through to the bedroom "hey Lucas i'm gonna have a shower..will you be okay with Cleo?" I brush past Cleos room on the way to the spare bedroom I stayed in last time

"Sure will, baby" he replied without taking his gaze off of what he was doing with Cleo. I closed the bedroom door, wheeling my suitcase closet inside and unzipping it, taking out comfier clothes then the jeans I was currently wearing.

I slipped into the bathroom starched today the bedroom, shutting the door and turning the shower on to let the hot water run down my body. I used the virtually untouched soaps and shampoos In the shower, leaving my hair to be smelling like strawberries

I soon emerged wearing comfy sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt, making my way through the quiet house toward the muffled giggles coming from outside. Lucas sat on the side of the pool with Cleo swimming about in the shallow end, splashing as she attempted to push herself underwater

He had a smile on his face as he watched her, his feet in the water with one of Cleos hands returning to hold his leg to keep herself afloat every few seconds. I step out of the house, making my way over to the two

I sat down on the warm concrete behind Lucas, hoping that his body will protect me from her splashes "everything okay?" He spoke up as I leant forward, resting my face on his back "" I reply quietly

"I'm missed cleos flip into the water" he chuckled "you let her what!" I sat up straight again "don't worry she was perfectly safe..I made sure she didn't go anywhere near the sides" he assured me, reaching for my arms and wrapping them back around his torso

I smiled to myself, leaning my face against his back again "mommy! Daddy said we're gonna her pizza for dinner!" Cleo beamed excitedly from the water "wow baby! Aren't you lucky..did you say thank you?" I question

"Yes mommy!" She giggled "ready to get out, princess? You look a bit cold" Lucas asked. I assumed she must've nodded or something because she soon swam over to the edge of the pool, licking leaning forward to pull her up with his arms so that she was standing on the concrete behind us

I giggled, a light blush growing on my face at the sight of his already huge muscles getting bigger as he flexed them. "What's funny?" He smirked, standing up and picking up the clean white towel that was resting on the outdoor furniture

"Nothing..nothing.." I bite down on my lip. He squinted his eyes at me for a few seconds before moving on, wrapping the towel around Cleo tightly and scooping her up "let's go get you in the shower" he ticked her small body

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