It's Business, Sweetheart

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11:30 am


No i know what your thinking. i didn't sleep with him. we just made out a little then fell asleep. being asleep next to him felt comforting and safe. something i haven't felt in a long time "Daddy wake up! it's mornin-" Cleo calls storming into the room. Lucas and I woke up and sat up instantly shocked that she woke us and saw us together "mommy what are you doing in here?" she asked confused "" i stutter trying to think of an excuse "mommy had a bad dream and got scared so she stayed in my bed" Lucas said saving me

"oh..welllllll do you wanna go get breakfast" she said changing the subject "yep let's go, i'll meet you down there" Lucas told her and with that cleo left the room and went downstairs "that was so close" i said staring at him "she didn't think anything of it. don't worry baby" he said standing up and leaving the room.

the chef had cooked a full breakfast of bacon, waffles, pancakes, fruit and hash browns with syrup and laid them out on the table with enough seats for everyone. Rikey and farkle joined us as we tucked into the food. we were all talking and laughing about anything, it felt good to have them around

"Mimi you home girl" A voice calls through the apartment making us all stop talking "ahhhh no way" i shout standing up and running out the kitchen and grabbing his hand dragging him back to meet everyone "mimi new heels!" "new heels mimi" he says stumbling around behind me. we enter the kitchen and everyone just stares at him "Neilson!" Cleo calls running to hug him "oh mini money" he says hugging her and them both kissing the air saying mwah "guys this is Neilson" i say introducing him

"I am Riley i love your shoes" she said standing up with wide puppy dog eyes giving him a hug "it's nice to meet you pretty thing" he says kissing her cheek. next farkle stands up and shakes his hand saying his name and having a brief chat

"so that must mean your daddy money" he says turning to lucas who chuckles at his nickname "i guess so" he said shaking Neilsons hand "You know, Maya has told me so much about you. about the mysterious lost love and the whole baby daddy thing. she's all lucas this lucas that. oh and what was it she called you? theee...thing she calls hot people..umm" Neilson said as i turned as pale as a ghost. he clicks his fingers a few times trying to remember the nickname i called him

"Boing" Farkle said piping up "Yesss something like that" Neilson said nodding "oh no, that's what she called josh" Lucas replied "who tha heck is that" Neilson said turning to me. "he was Riley's cous-" i was cut off "omgsh now i remember she used to call you bucky mc boing boing because you were twice as hot" He said finally remembering making me shove my face in my hands and everyone else laughed, a smirk on Lucas' face

"anyways what brings ya here" i say once we've moved on "ohh yes! you and daddy got spotted in the airport by people and now your all over the news asking who he is n stuff" Neilson said showing us news articles online

"Maya Hunter steps out with new unknown hottie in TEXAS! later seen back in new york around her apartment"

i sigh, it is what it is. they were bound to see it anyway "oh and also regina brown resigned" he mumbled "WHAT!" i shout standing up "why!" i ask curiously "i dunno something about wanting a quiet life" he said nonchalantly "Nonononono Neilson this is bad call up every lawyer in the area. i want interviews by tomorrow 10 am sharp. no one too old. they have to be good study their CV's and i mean S T U D Y. call up Topanga matthews offer her $500 per recommendation i don't know" i say stressed out in a serious tone

"okay okay calm down mimi. consider it already done" Neilson said kissing the air after and leaving the apartment "Wow maya why was the woman leaving a big deal" Farkle asked popping a strawberry into his mouth "because Farkle she was the best lawyer we had" i said stating the obvious as if he was supposed to know that

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