You say italy, i say there

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"Oh peaches, you say Italy, I say there" Riley comes I to the penthouse with her suitcase, Farkle coming in behind her. I chuckle, standing up from the couch, "we don't leave till like 11pm Riles" I reply. She shrugged, "the holiday starts now" she replied

"Aunty Riley!" Cleo jumped up from the couch, racing over to her. Riley picked her up and gave her a tug hug, "hey what about me?" Farkle laughed from behind them "Hi uncle farkley" Cleo hugged him too

"So where are we going? Rome? Florence?" Riley dreamed, sitting down on the couch across from Lucas and I, "Venice" I reply with a smile. "Ooo with the boats and the canals! How exciting is it having a rich beat friend" she squealed

"Yea and a rich boyfriend" Lucas pointed to Farkle who took a seat beside Riley. "Yea Yea" she smiled at him.

The rest of the day we spent watching movies, packing and preparing for the spontaneous trip to Italy. I had made a few calls go work, telling them I was going to be away.

It was now 8:40pm, the car to take us to the airport had just arrived downstairs. The people who worked in my building helped to bring the suitcases downstairs. We reached the front door downstairs, lights from photographers flashed from outside

"That'll be cos of that fricken article" I whisper to Lucas. He chuckes, "well I'll take Cleo" he picked the small girl up from the floor, attaching her to his waist and holding my hand

"Miss Hart! Miss Hart! Are you dating Mr Friar!"

"Is Cleo really your daughter?"

"Are the claims true! Is Lucas the father!"

The doors opened, the flashing started bursting away at us, Cleo hurried her face into Lucas' neck while we just looked down to avoid them. The car door opened, allowing all of us to get in, including Riley and Farkle from behind us

"That's crazy!" Farkle laughed once the car had pulled off down the street toward the airport. We agreed, "mommy I'm tired!" Cleo whined while yawning "come sit over here and you can have a nap" I replied, gesturing for her to move over to me

She shook her head, folding her arms "No! I wanna daddy cuddle" she climbed up onto him, leaning her face into his chest. Lucas smiled down at her, picking up his coat from beside him and draping it over her, his strong arms holding her tightly

"Isn't that just so cute!" Riley squealed "No it's not! She doesn't even love me anymore she's all over him. I've been dumped" I joke earning a small smile from Lucas, "I'm just cuddlier" he smirked

We made small talk for the rest of the car ride to the airport before getting out and checking into the private plane I hired. we climbed into the small plane, "welcome Mias Hart, the bed at the back has been set up, would you like us to arrange the other one?" One of the private attendants asked

I nodded "yes please" I reply before turning back to Riley and Farkle "do you guys wanna go to the bedroom or sleep out here?" I questioned "you guys go to the bedroom! We're good out here" Farkle ushered us toward the room

I chuckled "okay..let me know if you need anything" I reply before stepping into the bedroom. Lucas follows behind me, carrying a sleeping Cleo in his arms. He placed her down into the middle of the bed, tucking her in softly

"Oh gosh I'm so tired" I yawn, stretching my body as if I was a cat "would you like me to put you to bed too?" He pouted in a baby voice. I nodded, slipping my shoes off and climbing into my half of the bed

He came round to me, tucking the blanket around me and giving me a kiss on my head "goodnight baby" he said barely above a whisper, getting into the other side of the bed and turning the lights down

Cleo snuggled into his side leaving my place more empty, he wrapped an arm over both of us, pulling me closer to them..

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