We aren't all rich like you, Maya

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"We're here! Venice!" Riley squealed as she stepped off of the plane one we had arrived "Never been to Italy, Riles?" I question. She shook her head, "we aren't all rich like you, maya" she laughed, getting into the car

I sat beside her, an empty feeling rising in the car "Oh shit I have a child" I jump back out of the car to see Lucas carrying Cleo in his muscular arms out of the plane. He chuckled, "don't worry, I got her" he smiled

"Thank goodness..maybe I'll have to keep you around.." I giggle "you can't get rid of me now, I got this little one to take care of" he smiled adoringly down to Cleo in his arms

"Will you two stop falling in love with each other again and get in the car! I wanna see the boats!" Riley called from behind me. I felt a soft blush grow over my face, turning away from him so he couldn't see and climbing into the large car seat had to take us to the boats

We were greeted by the driver of the small boat which took us to the other part of the island, the hotel sitting right on the beach front "Move to the left a little" I say to Riley as I look through the phones camera as I take pictures of her

"Okay..done..that should be good" I hand it to her after taking a few more "thank you, peaches" she smiled "mommy I wanna go swimming!" Cleo jumped from behind me

"We can go swimming as soon as we get to the room baby, we just have to check in and get into our swimsuits" I reply "will you come swimming with me?" She questioned

"Oh no silly I'm not getting my hair wet, that's what daddy is here for, he swims with you" I smirk looking over to Lucas "was I brought on this trip to be a babysitter?" He joked

"You were" I nod with a laugh. The boat soon arrived at the dock, Lucas carrying Cleo, holding my hand to help me step out as Riley and Farkle followed closely behind. We got inside the reception, "Maya Hart" I smile as I approach the front desk

"Welcome Miss Hart, we hope you enjoy your stay" the lady passed us two room keys once we had finished checking in. "430 and 431" I read aloud. Riley and Farkle lead us down a few hallways and a short elevator ride up a few levels, "here you go" i pass them a key to their room

"So we meet here in 10 minutes?" Farkle questioned. I nodded, opening the door to our room, taking in the pristine hotel room "mommy look!" Cleo ran past me, jumping onto the bed and bouncing around

"Wow baby maybe I'll leave you there while we go to the pool" I smirk. She stopped jumping instantly, sitting down on the bed "I wanna go swimming with daddy and uncle Farkle" she pouted

I laughed, unzipping the suitcases and rummaging around until I found the bikini I wanted to wear as well as a frilly swimsuit for Cleo. I looked up to Lucas, my eyes trailing over his body as he stood in front of me with his swim shorts on, his muscular toned torso making him look like a Greek god

"I really had the audacity to have your child and force you into a family when you look like that and could date any supermodel in the world" I mumble "well then it's a good thing I don't want to date any supermodel in the world, isn't it?" He smirked

"Mommy! Daddy's in his swimmy costume! I want to show him mine" Cleo tugged at me. I ushered her into the bathroom, shutting the door behind us "take these off baby and then I'll help you" i gesture to her clothes as I change myself

She undresses, allowing me to help pull the frilly pink swimsuit over her "I show daddy now?!" She smiled. I nodded, opening the door and watching her run across the room to him "look at you! You look like a mermaid princess" he smiled down to her, crouching to her level

"Can you help me..?" I ask, his attention turning to me and the tie up back bikini. He nodded, standing back up from cleo's height. He makes his way over to me, his fingers brushing lightly over my back as he tied the bow, goosebumps rising onto my skin

I felt him push my hair to the side, his lips attaching softly to the back of my neck. I melted into a small puddle, my knees feeling weak for a mere few seconds "mm-no" I force myself away from him "cleo's here" I hiss

"So? She doesn't care.." he smirked. I moved closer to him again, leaning up to kiss him however only letting his lips graze mine before pulling away "let's go" I giggle, taking cleo's hand and exiting the room, a proud feeling inside me.

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