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I stand up from my meeting, shaking the hands of the smartly dressed people in business clothing before heading back to my office with Neilson following behind me. I walk past Riley's office, catching eyes with her and nodding for her to follow too

She quickly got up, sitting across from my desk beside Neilson in the glass office "ooo is this a little post meeting gossip session?" She squealed, sitting happily. "They're a bunch of fuckers. Do they not understand what a family is" I huffed, massaging my temples with my perfectly manicured fingers

Riley furrowed her eyebrows, "didn't go so well then?" She asked. Neilson tilted his head, "they didn't say no..they just said that it'll take awhile..Mama is looking to buy an office building and start right away whereas they want to invest and build the company..which can take a year at least.." he informed her

"I just want to spend some money and buy a building or whatever..I don't care about expanding the business. I think I'm around 6 weeks along which means I have 8 months for this baby to cook and I want to do it with my fiancé..I can't just fly up for work every morning from Texas.." I pout sadly "and to make it even worse, I can't go home and have some wine" I add

"Well what if he comes here for nine months? And then once the baby's born, he can go back to work and then you will only have three or so months until they could get the Texas branch underway" Neilson suggested "but then I'll be looking after a new born all alone! And a six year old!" I protest

He gave me a look, "yes maya, you are going to take care of a newborn and a six year old all alone with your best friends living in the apartment below you, a full time working assistant and at least three staff members who are around for hours daily to cook and clean for you" he sassed. I sucked in a breath followed by a nod, "Yea you're right..I'm overreacting..it's hormones.." I sigh

"It's understandable though, that you'd want to be with him. I think you need to talk about it with him though, Maya. You know Lucas, you know he isn't the kind of person to get annoyed ever or try to make things harder..in fact, he'd probably want to know that you are planning on starting up a business..so you should tell him.." Riley picked you my iPhone from my desk, handing it over to me

I glanced at her, then the iPhone, then back to her. Sighing, I took it from her "now I gotta go back because I have a meeting in a few minutes with a mom and a dad who want split custody..I'll come back at lunch and you can tell me what he says" she rose from her chair, blowing a kiss to the two of us before leaving the office

Neilson stood too, "I like her. She keeps you in check" he squinted his eyes. I screwed my face up, "you keep me in check? Everyone does at this point" I sigh. He chuckled, "yes well with two of us we have a better chance..see you Mimi" he waved, exiting just like Riley did.

I dialled in Lucas' number, bringing the phone up to my ear,

"Hey baby" Lucas' voice connected through the other end, it sounded happy and in a good mood.

"Hey! How are you? Are you busy?" I ask. It sounded like he was moving around, followed by the sound of a closing door and a woman's laugh "..shhh I'm on the phone.." he whispered

"..No, no I'm free..everything okay?" He added, this time speaking to me. I choked on my words "a-are you sure..it doesn't sound like you're free.." I trail off, tears welling in my eyes quickly

For gods sake, Maya. Stop it. You're not even 6 weeks along.

"Yes of course" he replied. I sniffled, "I-I'm gonna call you back later..I-I'm sorry for disturbing yo-" I continued to stutter before he cut me off, "baby what's up? I can talk, I'm just with Zay and Isadora" his tone shifted to more of a worried one

"isadora? That's who laughed?" I asked. "..yes? Who else would it be?..I have to tell them sometime that I'm engaged to the love of my life with and that I'm about to have another baby with her " he replied with a soft chuckle. "o-oh" my voice cracked with another sniffle

You need to trust him more, Maya. You're engaged, two kids.

"Maya? What's going on?..are you crying?" He questioned "..No..yes..it's just hormones..they're crazy, I'm fine" I defend "are you sure? why are you upset?" He asked

"u-uhm because I looked into seeing if we could start a branch in Texas and they said it's possible but the most efficient way would be to expand the company which means it'll take longer then a year..so I'm going to raise a child alone again and Riley told me that I should tell you because she said you'd want to know what's going on and then you were with a girl laughing and telling her to be quiet and now I'm crying and it's only day one" I ramble, turning slightly to face the outer view of the skyline instead of where the rest of the office could see me

He chuckled again, "baby, I'm with Isadora and Zay. I promise. Why would I do anything to mess up my perfect family with you?" He asked "I-I don't know.." I trail off "look, don't worry about what we're going to do right now. It's your first few days back, you're going to be adjusting to all these new hormones, don't push yourself. You know we always work things out, no matter how hard we tried to get away from each other when we met in middle school, we always ended up back together. And six years later, we're re engaged with..almost..two children..we will always be together, M. We work everything out. Don't push yourself just yet" he advised

I nodded, although he couldn't see. "Yea..I guess you're right..I'm sorry.." I massage my temples again "don't be sorry, I'm happy you called baby. Call me 20 times if that's what you need..you know I love you.." he replied soothingly

"I love you too..I just..I want you to be a part of this one..and I thought because I was the owner that I could do it..but apparently it's harder then just buying a building and no amount of money I offered to throw at it helped" I huff annoyed. "And that's okay, you just had high expectations. You have Riley and Farkle with you for now and I'll see you as soon as ever..poor Farkle.." he mumbled the last bit

"Poor Farkle?" I repeat "Yea. Two pregnant girls to take care of. Poor Farkle" he repeated. I couldn't help but giggle, glancing back up to see Neilson tap his designer watch. I roll my eyes, "I'm sorry I have another meeting..i'm sorry to take you away from your date with Isadora and Zay" I sigh

"It's okay my baby, I love you..call me if you want to cry again..I'll always listen.." he stated sweetly. I poured to myself "okay I will..I love you too..have a good day.." I trail off

"You too, see you Bub" and just like that, the line disconnected. I glanced up to Neilson who had opened the door, "better?" He questioned. I nodded, wiping the corners of my eyes, "better" I agree

"And I need hormone balancing pills" I add.

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