All the drugs

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"Morning Riles" Maya waddled into her office bright and early. Riley huffed as she leant back "Okay so you are 3 days past your due date and still no popping" she smirked

Maya rolled her eyes "Don't remind me..I'm this close to just jumping up and down to get him out" she held up a small gap between her fingers. Riley laughed, "oh peaches I'm date is in 4 days..what if I die?" She worried.

"You won't die, Riley. But you'll sure feel like you're about too" Maya teased, making her way back toward the door of her office. She heard Riley fake whine behind her, but left toward the glass office of her own.

She sat down on the chair, loading up her computer to begin her work. She took some calls, and let almost half the day pass. Maya was too big to move now, so she would just stay sitting as long as she could for her own comfort.

It got to about 1.15, the urge to pee had grown uncomfortable. She huffed, pushing herself up from her chair, slinging her handbag over her shoulder and slowly approaching the door.

"Everything okay, Miss Hunter?" Her receptionist spoke as the blonde brushed past "Yeah all good" Maya replied simply with a smile, pushing the bathroom door open.

She locked the stall, she was wearing a black maxi dress, flowy and loose as nothing practical or business formal fit her anymore. At least it was summer, so she didn't mind the dresses.

She gathered her dress up around her waist, sitting down on the toilet. She flinched, as she felt a large drop from below her, like someone just poured a cup of water into the bowl.

"Was that my?.." she muttered to herself confused. She sat there for a moment, gathering her thoughts. She didn't feel any different, no pain. So she finished what she needed to do, letting her dress back down and collecting her handbag.

After what felt like being gone for half an hour, she finally made it back to her peaceful office. Sitting down with her another huff. Maya refocused her attention on the screen, typing away at the keyboard.

"Argh!" She sucked in a deep breath, one hand flying to her stomach as the other supported herself on the desk. She let the pain ride out, her eyes squeezed shut.

Okay..maybe you should go home..

She ignored herself, shaking it off to get back to work. She just wanted to get this last document finished. She continued typing "Fuck..Nope.." she let go minutes later, supporting herself on the desk once again.

She rose to her feet, pushing on one of the buttons on the telephone beside her. "Yes mama?" Neilsons happy voice chirped down the line "C-Can you come to my office?" She stuttered. "Sure thang" he disconnected the line, moments later being in her doorway.

"Oh girl" he quickly joined her side, "I-I think I should go.." she breathed out, riding our yet another contraction. "Okay..let's get you down to the car I'll take you home" he picked up her handbag, linking arms with her so that she could lean her weight into him.

She waddled through the corridors to the elevator, ignoring the questionable looks from colleagues "Oh my god! Are you having contractions?" Riley beamed from her office. "I'll get Lucas to text you" Maya waved off, entering the elevator.

"Owww!" She hissed, leaning against the railing, her face flustering from the pain every few minutes. She finally felt at slight peace once she was sat in the car, Neilson driving beside her

"Take me to the hospital..I had cleo really quickly.." she breathed. He nodded, doing as told. She rummaged around in her handbag, trying to find that sleek black rectangle.

Maya pressed down on Lucas' contact, bringing the phone to her ear "oh fuck.." she hissed to herself as it rang, her hand stroking her stomach as if that could soothe her.

"Hey baby.." his voice sounded bright from the other end "L-Lucas.." she stuttered breathlessly, trying ti regain strength "What's wrong? Are you okay?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"It's happening..I'm having contractions.." she explained. "Finally! I'm so excited!" He smiled brightly "well can you not? I'm literally in pain?" She grumbled, hormones and emotions have not been her best friend this pregnancy.

"Sorry, baby..what's happening? do you need help?" He questioned. "Neilsons taking me to the hospital..we're in the car" she stated.

He listened as she sucked in another deep breath, his heart hurting from her pain "Okay..I'll meet you there. I'll leave right now.." he assured her. She agreed, disconnecting the line.

The drive to the airport felt like forever, but sure enough he was stood outside ready for Neilson to swing past and let the blonde out before parking the car. Lucas steadied his fiancé as he led her through the reception, quickly being met by a nurse with a wheelchair.

I guess it's pretty obvious why there there.

He helped her settle, changing into those god awful gowns and getting her on the bed. "Miss Hunter! So good to see you's little cleo? Is this dad?" Her doctor entered the room.

"She's" she breathed, clutching onto her stomach for the 100th time. They introduced themselves, "alright so are we doing natural or are you wanting an epi-" he started before maya cut him off.

"Drugs. All the drugs. Anything" she nodded, she was not doing this without the slightest bit of relief. The doctor laughed, and began running her tests, helping with the medicine and pain relief.

The slap of a rubbed glove caused Mayas eyes to shoot between her legs where she laid on her back. The doctor peeped up, "alright. You are about 5 centimetres. Half way there. Baby should hopefully be here by tonight or early morning" she smiled.

Maya nodded, closing her eyes and laying her head back on the pillow. "This is your fault" she glared at Lucas. Lucas smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear "Hey, maybe you're just extremely fertile?" He suggested.

She glared at him once more, getting a small chuckle from the man "this is amazing..I've been waiting for this for ever" he added, gesturing to the whole experience.

"We'll enjoy it. It's never happening again" she half smiled. He loved her smile. "But I want 11 kids, remember?" He teased.

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