Gay couples

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I returned back to Lucas' later that night, around 7:30pm. Isadora and I did a lot of shopping today, as well as going out for lunch and dinner and also trying on all of the clothes once we got back to hers

It wasn't until Zay got home that I realised the time. I opened the front door to Lucas' house to see it lowly lit and homely. It was quiet. Too quiet. I walked quietly through the house, opening cleo's bedroom door to see her asleep in bed

I then continued on to put the bags I had in my hands down in my room, opening Lucas' door. He sat shirtless in bed, a movie playing on the tv across from him with different papers and files on his lap "and she returns" he smiled brightly as he saw me

I giggled, "it appears that way..what are you doing?" I question, approaching the side of the bed he was on. He leant up to kiss me, "work" he replied simply, closing the files with his attention on me

" was your day with Cleo and Zay..did anyone think you were a gay couple?" I squint my eyes. He chuckled, "no one asked" he stated "I took her to pappy joes, she rode the horse and played with the sheep..then we went out to eat, took her to the playground and had ice cream..then came back here and we played a game in the pool..that's why she's asleep so early, she must be tired" he informed me

I pouted "she must've had such a good day" I sat on the edge of the bed "did you?" I add "I did. It's the best thing ever having you guys here" he smiled softly "and was your much did you spend?" He smirked

"Too much. You don't even want to know. I don't even want to know. But I bought some cute things" I laugh "I bet you did" he replied "good to see her though?" He added. I nodded, " always is good to see you's so comforting" I reply

I stood up from the bed "let me show you what I got" I state. He nodded, "come out to the kitchen when your dressed" he got up too, heading in a different direction. I put on the skirt and the matching top I had bought, it looked so cute.

I then went through the house to the kitchen where he had poured a glass of water "oo that's nice..I like it" he smiled as he saw me "Yea! It won't fit for long but I think it's so cute..I have it in white and Isadora convinced me to get it in pink too" I twirl, hoping he will pick up on the words

He didn't. "Well I think it's nice. You can never have the same thing in too many colours" he joked, leaning against the bench. "Especially if Its Chanel" I add, looking down at my outfit

"Do you want a drink?" He questioned from in front of me " I'm okay thank you" I smile awkwardly. He furrowed his eyebrows, making his way over to me and placing his hand on my forehead "what are you doing?" I ask confused

"I'm seeing if you feel've never said no to alcohol before! Why tonight? Not feeling good?" he chuckled before removing his hand. I bit down on my lip "Lucas..I can't.." I mutter

"Can't what?" He looked to me cluelessly "I..I can't drink alcohol.." I clarify. I swear he needs a large sign to tell him some things, "you had it last night though" he smirked, still confused

"I..Yea but I only found out today.." I bit down on my lip, watching as his eyes widened..

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