Motion sickness

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"Alright baby. I have an idea" I say as I come into Cleo's room one Friday night "what is it mommy?" She questioned "well can you tell me how many day's it's been since you saw daddy?" I ask

"It's been this many" she stated, holding up all of her fingers and then flashing them to make 20 "well I'm thinking..what if we go down to Texas tomorrow morning? But we won't tell daddy so that when we get there it will be a surprise?" I smirk

"Yes mommy! Yay I get to see daddy tomorrow!" She squealed "come on then, let's pack your bags..we're gonna be there for a few days so pick what outfits you want to wear while mommy calls Neilson quickly" I explain before stepping out of her bedroom

I pull out my phone, swiping to FaceTime and waiting for the phone to ring "mama money? Everything okay?" He questioned as his face showed up on the screen "yes we're good..I was wondering if you could please book the plane to Texas for tomorrow morning..I'm not sure when we'll come back maybe a few days later?" I ask

He nods "I sure can..maybe like for 9am?" He questioned "yes! That sounds perfect! I'm taking Cleo down to see Lucas" I explain. He chuckled, "well duh. Why else would you go to Texas? To participate in some hoe downs?" He questioned

"Oh whatever. You're amazing have a good night!" I giggle "you too, Mimi. I'll send you the details, love you!" He replied before swiftly hanging up the phone. I shoved the small rectangle back into my pocket, making my way back to Cleo's bedroom

"I've got three dresses!" She beamed, showing me the ones she wanted. "Well done, love bug. Now go get some pyjamas" I advise. She nods, going over to her drawers while I choose some more outfits and everything else she might need

"Only take a few toys..maybe a few dolls, we'll pack them now" I say as she rummages through toy boxes "I want to bring mermaid barbie, fairy barbie and the purple musketeer barbie!" She beamed, passing them to me

I smiled softly, zipping up her small suitcase "okay now let's get you to bed" I untuck her nearly made bed. She climbs in, choosing to watch barbie life in the dream house to help her fall asleep "goodnight love bug, see you in the morning" I kiss her head sweetly

"Night mommy!" She smiled, her eyes drifting as she watched the tv on the wall across from her. I swiftly left the bedroom, making my way over to mine. Neilson had booked the plane for 9am, as well as organised the car for in Texas. Now all I had to do was make a few more plans..

9:00 am

"Buckle in your seatbelt, Princess" I say, pulling her lap belt over her and securing it as she sat across from me in the secluded plane "I'm so excited mommy! Do you think daddy missed me?" She questioned

I nodded, "I do, baby. I think he misses you very much" I reply sending her a sympathetic smile. "It's going to be a long ride you want to have a little sleep?" I question

She shook her head, "no thank you, mommy! I wanna watch my barbie movie!" She smiled, tapping away at her iPad on her lap. We managed to busy ourselves for awhile, I did some work while she lay around the chairs to get comfy

I smiled when I got a text, one I've been getting every morning,

Lucas Friar:
Good morning, beautiful.

I bit down on my lip, typing away to reply to him

Maya Hunter:
Good morning..plans for this weekend?

Lucas Friar:
Yea..I'm going out with Zay and Isadora in a few hours..they wanted to show me something. I bet she's pregnant

Maya Hunter:
Hmm..well I guess you won't know until you go..let me know though! I want them to call it Maya

Lucas Friar:
I'll suggest it to them, baby, but who knows..

I looked back up to Cleo, seeing that she hadn't moved from her spot. I sunk lower into my chair, an uneasy feeling growing over me "Cleo baby I'm just gonna go to the bathroom, okay? Stay there" I advice, standing up and heading to the bathroom at the back of the private plane

As soon as my eyes land on the toilet, my stomach churns, dropping to my knees - thank goodness it's a clean private bathroom - I gag, throwing up my insides and everything I had eaten for breakfast

Luckily I already had my hair tied back, staying in that position until I felt empty enough. I stood up, flushing the toilet and brushing my teeth with the disposable tooth brushes before taking a look in the mirror, I looked pretty normal?

I guess you could say me and motion sickness aren't the best of friends.

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