$300 caviar

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- Lucas

"My man" i hear as i walk through the entrance making me laugh "dude you'll never guess who i've got standing in that living room" Zay whispers nudging me. i laugh again at his weirdness and head to the living room behind him. we turn round the corner and the first person i lay my eyes on is someone i never thought i'd see again

the blonde beauty

"maya" i mutter below my breathe. i haven't seen that face for 6 years and it's been on my mind every day since. she turned toward me and started walking her arms opening half way and i wanted nothing more then to hug her and never let go. but i know she'd never feel the same about me. i mean who am i?

we break away from our hug too soon and i wipe the small single tear that left her eyes "hey, hey, don't cry my baby" i whispered, the words leaving my mouth too quickly to regret it. i haven't called her baby since college, since that one night days before graduation.

ever since college i've been busy. i graduated with my veterinarian degree and opened my first clinic here in Texas, since then we have developed nationally having clinics in California, Florida, New York, Arizona, Ohio, and Washington. i've managed to buy myself a pretty nice house and live life financially set, nowhere near Mayas or Farkles earnings that's for sure but i'm happy with what i got.

i've never really ventured into dating i mean sure i've slept and hooked up with girls but none of them stuck, truth be told, none of them were Maya. i've always adored Maya, her beautiful face and gorgeous long hair, her beautifully curvy body and personality of a goddess. i was really disappointed we lost touch i guess it's kind of my fault i didn't put in the effort either, i guess i didn't realise what i'd lost until it was too late.

the night dragged on till Riley and Farkle left together. good luck bro. anyway me and Zay sat there talking about basketball when i happened to look over at Maya and noticed she was staring at me and a few moments later i looked again and she was still staring. it was like she was having a daydream "you've been staring at lucas for like 5 minutes" i heard isadora whisper, obviously not quiet enough "fuck do you think he noticed" maya replied

i looked over to her again and smirked then licked my lips before looking away, if maya was anything like she was 6 years ago, i know what drives her crazy.

eventually she got up to leave so i did too, walking her out the house and to her care "see you later, baby" i whisper in her ear then kiss her cheek before walking away. yeah that's right Maya if you wanna wear a dress that good looking, ill make it hard for you too.

day after - 10:00 am

- Maya

Today feels different, I feel different. last night didn't go how i had planned yet i can't quite figure out if i'm happy about it or not. seeing them all again made me miss them so much,
it made me realise that the only people i really have to talk to are Cleo and Neilson. i built myself a life piece by piece, a perfect life, one i had always dreamed of. i had the successful business, the beautiful daughter, my gay best friend, but no one to love. i haven't been in love since college, and he didn't even know. i think it's fair to say that last night made me fall in love with him again and we didn't even talk much! it's taking everything in me to try and act cool and sophisticated and look where that got me, i stared at him for 5 minutes.

the wedding is in 3 days, i have dance lessons today, then going to see Riley and Farkle for dinner,

"maya the dance class has been moved to be in half an hour see you soon" Zay text me, fuck i have to get ready fast. doing my usual routine you know how it goes i get dressed into my favourite pair of jeans and a neon green body suit. ok yes it's a bit extra but when am i not?

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