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We soon make it to Texas, making our way through the airport until everything was done and we had gone through departures. I checked the time on my phone, a soft smile landing on my face. We were right on time.

I sat in the drivers seat of the same hired Aston Martin from last time, turning on the ignition and making my way through the less crowded streets of Texas compared to New York

I followed google maps down different streets and roads until I reached a certain restraint, pulling into the carpark and turning off the engine. I re-sprayed my favourite Chanel perfume, brushing over my slightly untamed hair and reapplying my lip gloss before looking back to Cleo

"Ready baby?" I ask. She nodded, unbuckling herself from the car seat. I took her hand, crossing over to the restaurant door and holding it open for her to slip through. My eyes trailed around the room to a table, Lucas sitting with his back to us while Isadora and Zay sat across from him

I crouched down to Cleos level, pointing Lucas out through the crowd. A wide smile grew on her face as she practically ran over to him, sliding into the seat beside him. He did a double take as he looked down to the girl who was giggling beside him

"Daddy!" She beamed. Lucas picked her up swiftly from the chair, sitting her on his lap "baby! What are you doing here?" He smiled to her "mommy said we are coming on a surprise trip to see you" she giggled as I sat in the chair beside them

"So this is what you wanted to show me?" Lucas raised his eyebrows to the two across from us "surprise!" They smiled together. "This is mommy and daddy's friends, uncle Zay and Aunty you wanna day hi?" Lucas continued with Cleo

Cleo climbed off of Lucas' lap, hopping onto Zays as she talked to them. He looked over to me, leaning in to kiss me softly "I missed you" he smiled softly to me "I missed you guess that means there's no baby called Maya, right?" I smirk

"You lied to me! I'm gonna make you pay for that..even though it was a very nice surprise" he chuckled "I lied to you about having a child for 6 years and this is what you wanna blame me for lying about" I raise my eyebrows

"Actually..good point" he chuckled, his attention moving back to the small girl climbing back into his lap "daddy I've missed you so much! Did you like your surprise!" She questioned

"I loved it, princess! How was your flight?" He questioned "it was good! I watched barbie movies" she smiled "Maya she's so cute! Zay I want a child now!" Isadora spoke up from across from us

"Alright honey, one day" he replied "wow..she's definitely 90% Lucas..and 10% Maya" Isadora admired her features "hey, from what I hear she has maya's stubbornness" Lucas chimed in earning a playful hit on the shoulder by me

"I am not stubborn! I just like to get my way otherwise it annoys me" I defend. They laugh, "because that totally isn't what being stubborn is" Lucas smirked

" are you guys! How was the honeymoon?" I question the newlyweds "it was amazing! It was so pretty..we laid in the sun all day..went out for dinners at night..the ocean was literally crystal was the best present, thank you" Isadora dreamed

"You paid for their honeymoon?" Lucas furrowed his eyebrows as he looked over to me. I nodded, "Yea I didn't know what to get them..I thought you can't really go wrong with Costa Rica.." I giggle

"I'd like to remind you of my birthday which is in 6 months and that I've always wanted to go to Australia" he smiled cheekily "hm well we'll have to see then" I smirk

"Look at you two! It's so good to see you guys together again..all thanks to us" Zay and Isadora high-fived "I mean can you imagine the'll probably be in like France or'll probably rent out the entire state of Hawaii" Isadora added

I laughed, "I was thinking more along the lines of the pink beach in Greece..wouldn't that be so cute" I smile "do I need to hurry up or something?" Lucas chuckled, "no! No that's not what I meant don't worry huckleberry" I laugh

"trust me they say no but they mean yes" Zay looked over to Lucas "anyway moving on from marriage! Isa I was thinking maybe we could do something together tomorrow? Go shopping or go out for lunch..Lucas can look after Cleo and Zay can too if you want" I direct my attention to her

She nods happily, "yes! Let's do it!" She agreed "I swear whenever your on a trip I turn into a babysitter" Lucas joked "yes Lucas, that's cos you are her babysitter! I get her 365 days a year, and trust me, I'm okay with sharing" I smirk

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