Baby time

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Maya bounced lightly on a yoga ball in the room, her hand lying on top of her stomach. They had been in the hospital for 7 hours. She was beyond bored, and ready to get going.

Riley sat on the couch in the room, Farkle beside her while Lucas sat on the chair to the left. "I can't wait to eat's all I want.." the blonde smiled happily. It's safe to say that epidural worked wonders.

"We'll get you sushi baby don't worry" Lucas spoke up from the chair, smiling sweetly to his fiancé. "I can't wait for you to hurry it up" Riley teased with a huff.

"I knowww..I'm so ready to just be done with this.." Maya replied. "Are you going to stay the whole time?" She added. "Yes! I missed your last pregnancy I can't do it again!" Riley defended.

"I'm the dad and I missed the last pregnancy" Lucas agreed. Maya rolled her eyes, "Yeah sorry about that" she mumbled. "Who did you have here?" Farkle questioned.

"I was alone. Did it by myself" she stated. Riley gasped "Alone?!" She pouted. Maya smiled " and Shawn were here.." she teased.

She sucked in a breath, letting herself roll around on the ball as a distraction. Although she wasn't crying in pain now, she definitely still felt the deep pressure from the contractions.

They continued making small talk for a little while longer, Riley and Farkle making trips to the vending machine for the group for dinner.

Maya was now stood, using her arms to keep her supported on the end of the bed. She leant her weight onto her arms, tucking her head into her shoulder "Fuck.." she mumbled to herself, riding out the deep pain wave.

Lucas stroked the top of her head supportively, not wanting to get too close to her and frustrate her. "This is my third packed of M&M's" Riley tore them open, popping one in her mouth.

"Desperate times" Lucas chuckled lightly. "Alright, Miss Hunter. Let's see how your doing" the doctor entered the room with a bright smile. Maya nodded, waddling over and getting onto the bed with help from her fiancé.

She laid on her back, propping her legs up where she's supposed to. She let herself feel vulnerable for however many minutes, before the doctors head popped back up.

They met eyes, a wide smile on his face.

"baby time, Miss Hunter. It's time to start pushing, you're at 10 centimetres" he stated brightly. Maya felt her heart speed up in her chest, her head dropping back onto the bed. Lucas appeared in her sight, a bright smile on his face as well.

She couldn't help but half smile at his excited ness. "Okay peaches! This is it!" Riley rose from the couch, appearing in her other side. The doctor gathered all the nurses and things he needed, letting the blonde sit there and enjoy her last few moments. 

"Alright on the count of three we will start off with one big push..3..2..1.." the doctor was positioned down by her legs again.

Mayas hand was gripped tightly to Lucas', her breath hitching in her throat as she did as told. It wasn't long before it got worse, she was red in the face, beads of sweat on her forehead.

she was panting, like she had just run a marathon, her hand still wrapped tightly to her fiancés turning his skin white. "And again.." the doctor spoke.

Maya cried out, her head dropping back onto the bed "I-I can't..I cant do this.." she denied, her eyes leaking with tears "yes you can, Maya. We're almost there just a few more" the doctor encouraged.

It had been about an hour of pushing, her body was ready to give way and fall into a hibernation of deep sleep. "You're okay,'re doing so well.." Lucas mumbled, brushing the damp hair off her forehead.

"Yes! You've got this! Farkle go look how she's doing, tell her she's doing well" Riley ushered from Mayas left side, pushing her boyfriend toward the doctor.

"Yea not long's..oh god..what is that..." Farkle's eyes grew wide at the sight "oh my god I can't believe I just saw your insides" he closed his eyes tightly, swallowing a lump "I feel nauseous" He continued.

Maya couldn't help the half laugh escape her lips, Lucas and Riley being amused by Farkles lack of sympathy with the human anatomy of pregnancy.

Maya sucked in a breath, continuing to push for a while longer, tears spilling from her eyes every now and then. "Okay..last one, Maya.." the doctor directed.

Lucas kissed his fiancée's forehead, watching as she pushed one last time, followed by a loud cry from the end of the room.  Maya let out a breath of relief, like her world moved in slow motion.

Riley squealed at the sight, while Lucas just looked adoringly down as the small baby was placed onto Mayas chest. He couldn't tear his eyes away from his sweet newborns face, his chin resting securely on top of Mayas.

Despite her tears and pain, Maya fell instantly in love with the little boy crying delicately on her. She watched as the doctor handed Lucas what he needed to snip the umbilical cord, watching as he looked so happy.

The baby was taken from her to be cleaned and changed, and after all that she didn't mind the pampering and cleaning she was getting as well.

Maya tucked her hair behind her ears, "you did it..I love you so much..I'm so proud of you.." Lucas learn down, kissing her slightly salty lips. He didn't mind. "I love you too" she breathed.

"That's adorable! I can't believe I witnessed my best friends childbirth!" Riley beamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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