Be Mad

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Sierra POV:

The entire car ride back, Kris stared out the window; clearly upset with my decision to leave with her. I didn't care if she was mad, hell I wouldn't care if she hated me because of it. If she doesn't trust herself, then I'm not sending her alone.

Pulling up in the driveway, I get out and go around to the other side for Kris.

"I'm not a baby Sierra" she huffs out, walking past me and to the porch.
Following her up, I unlock the door and she rushes past me and plops down on the couch.

"Someone's comfy" I snicker, making her glare at me.

"Just remember that I'm not here because I want to" she sighs, pushing her hair out of her face.

"Are you gonna sit there mad at me, or are you gonna eat?" I question, walking over to the kitchen.

Sighing and looking away from me, she pulls out her phone and begins to click away.

Ignoring her moodiness, I make her a sandwich and get her a drink and place it on the table for her. Heading upstairs, I go into my room and change into a hoodie and some shorts, grabbing a jersey and joggers for Kris.

Walking back down the stairs, I see the sandwich and glass on the table still with an extremely annoyed Kristen still on the couch.

"You can be mad at me all you want, but please eat something" I plead, moving over to the couch.

Looking up at me, she rolls her eyes and goes back to whatever she's doing on her phone. Snatching the phone from her hands, I tip toe and hold it to my highest height, forcing her to stand.

Wrapping my free hand around her back, I pull her to me and whisper in her ear,
"You can hate me all you want for this, but you need to eat something"

Looking straight into my eyes, she sighs and pulls back.

"Go eat and change" I instruct, pointing to the food on the table and the clothing next to it.

Reluctantly leaving my grasp, she takes the clothes from the table and walks upstairs.

A few moments later, she walks back down and mumbles,
"What room do I use.....?"

Chuckling at her, I show her to my room and leave her to change. Making her way back down, she walks straight past me and to the table.

Within the next few minutes, she had finished her sandwich and was now staring holes into the side of my head.

"Is there something you need Kristen?" I inquire, ending her staring contest with the side of my forehead.

Scoffing and turning away, she faces the television, completely ignoring me.
Reaching over and turning off the TV, I sit back and inch a bit closer to her.

"Are you planning on talking to me at any point in time?" I ask, turning to her.

"When you let me leave" she retorts, finally meeting my eyes for the afternoon.

"Well, that'll be when you start looking like you're feeling a bit better about your situation" I reply, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"My situation, is none of your business to be in" she exclaims, standing from the couch.

"I apologize.for caring then" I reply, still sitting on the couch.

"It's none of your business to care Sierra!" she yells, moving over to the stairs.

"Well what if I just do?" I yell back, following her.

"Then just stop! Stop caring about me, my daughter, what happens with my mother, just stop!" she shouts, both of us now in my room.

Moving to the bedside stand, she begins to grab her clothes and gets over to the door.

"What are you doing?" I ask, blocking her path.

"I'm leaving. This was a mistake. Why do you even care?" she sneers.

"Why do I care?" I scoff. "I care because I-" I stop, not knowing the actual reason why.

"I don't even know why. It's because......there's something about you. Something that just catches me. It catches me, and it holds me. Holds me in a grasp that I just can't seem to escape, and honestly.......I don't want to. I care because I'm letting myself fall for you. I'm falling for you Kristen Smith"

Stood still I'm her spot, she stares at me, taking in what I just said.

"Wh- what did you say?" she mutters, her eyes filling with tears.

"I said" I mumbled, swallowing the gulp in my throat. "I'm going to let myself fall in love with you. I want to be with you"

Letting her tears fall, she takes a step back and lets out a small sob.

Launching herself forward, she pulls my to her from behind my neck, and brings my lips to hers.

Wrapping my hands around her waist, I pull her to me, and kiss her back. Letting out a moan into my mouth, she leaves access for me to explore her mouth. Moving my hands down to her thighs, I tap them. Taking the signal, she jumps up and lets me catch her.

Bringing her over to the bed, I lay her down on the bed and heaten the kiss even more. Putting her hands up in my hair, she begins to tug lightly in different spots, making me moan into her mouth. We kept going at it until we had to separate for air. Both pulling back breathless, we let our heads rest against each other's.

"I want to be with you" she lightly breathes out, making me smile widely.

"So what does this mean for us?" I ask, rubbing my nose against hers.

"It means I'm yours" she whispers, placing a peck on my lips.

"All mine" I respond, kissing her again and lifting her up in my arms.

She's mine.

A/N: I actually hate how fast they got together but I'm working on a slower paced one rn.

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