Remember Me

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Kristen POV:

The accident was 2 weeks ago. Sierra's been doing well on her memory, and she started speech therapy last week. She's been getting better at talking without stuttering, but it's still there. As for what she remembers, she's currently in the phase of a few months before she met me, which is just great because now she's moping around all the time.

She just 'doesn't get why no one loves her'. I want so badly to tell her that I do, and that I want to be by her side for as long as she'll have me; but I decided it's best to tell her that when she has full gain of her memory. Sade allowed her to spend a few nights at my house, in hopes it might speed up her recovery a bit.

So far, all she can remember is the Lion King fiasco, which isn't the best for me, because through all of this she's still the same witty and slick woman I love. Which means the majority of the time she spends here is with April. And I'm honestly loving the free babysitter, and I can sneak and take pictures of them together, but memory loss or not, I miss spending time with her.

As of late, I think she noticed it and started, sneaking away every now and then from April to, hug me, or kiss my cheek. She hasn't kissed me fully, but I can see that she wants to. She came close to doing so yesterday, but backed away, because she thought I'd be uncomfortable.

Hell, Sierra I yearn for you to touch me right now, of course I want you to kiss me.

Was what I though in that moment. Aside from being a little lonely, I've been frustrated in.....different ways. Whenever I'd see Sierra I just want to throw myself onto her and let her have her way, and the continuous overwhelming pile is just building inside me.

Don't get me wrong, I love how caring she is to not want to make me uncomfortable, but geez, give me something here.

Anyway, we were on our way back from her speech therapy session, and she was pumped up about something, I have no idea what.

"Kris?" she smiled, looking over at me. "C...can we g..go fo..for ice c...cream?" she said, taking her time with each word.

She looked so proud of herself. Her stutter was still evident, but she was managing it, and it got her so giddy.  Not being able to deny her request, I gave her a soft smile and said yes.

Not too long after, we pulled in to the ice cream parlor she'd taken me to on the first day I arrived at the office. When we stopped to get out, she looked across at me with confusion in her eyes.

" you kn.. know this" she inquired, furrowing her eyebrows.

"You took me here once, it was the first time we went out together" I told her, making her get even more confused.

"Stop worrying about it, it's fine. Or we can go somewhere else if this makes you uncomfortable..?" I said, cupping her cheek.

Nodding her head no, she turning her face and kissed the palm of my hand. Giving me a smile, she cutely scrunched her nose at me, and we got out.

Going in to order, her face lights up with excitement, much like mine when I was first here, at the sight of her options.

Giving her a go ahead signal, she went forward and began picking out her custom treat. Watching as she went from side to side, taking a bit from each pile, a smile found it's way to my face and refused to remove. She looked to cute, and at peace, I could just stay in this moment forever. 

When we both finished picking out our treats, she insisted on sitting at the table outside. The same one we sat at when we were first here. While we were eating, she made an abrupt stop, and had her eyes focused on my hands. After a while, I connected it to be that maybe she remembered something, and so I asked.

"We d..did c..c..come here" she whispers, playing with the ring on one of her fingers. "I was m..mad."

Remembering the way the outing ended, a small wave of sadness fell over me at the sight of her expression.

"I..I'm s..sorry ab..about that" she mumbles, twisting her mouth a bit. "I just get r..really angry s..sometimes."

"It's okay, everyone gets mad babe" I reassured her, resting my hand over hers.

Humming at me, she froze for another moment and looked up to see me again. She stared at me for a while and a wide smile overcame her features.

"C..can we go?" she asked, her smile remaining focused on me.

Nodding my head, I took our empty cups and threw them away. Making my way back over to her, I find her already standing, and handing me my keys. Serving her a weird look, she pumps her eyebrows a bit and takes my hand. Walking back to the car, I make an abrupt stop, revising what just happened. 

She pumped her eyebrows at me, and sat in silence just examining me. Since she lost her memory, any time we spent together, she was usually asking me minor questions, trying to restore her memories. We were like that for the majority of the day, up until like 5 minutes ago.

 The only thing that could've changed would be if she remembered more- but wouldn't she have said something by now? Then again we are talking about Sierra here.

Looking over at her, my mouth agape, she smiles at me sends a wink my way, before getting in the car. Rushing in after her, I slam the door shut and watch her intensely.

"Sierra" I say, my voice stern and full of authority.

Buckling her seatbelt, she hums and looks over at me, her infamous crooked grin plastered on her face. Squinting my eyes at her, she just bites her bottom lip in a smile and holds my hand.

"You remember, you bitch" I whined, hitting her shoulder.

Laughing at me, she puts up her hand in defense, and ruffles her hair a bit. Settling down, we sit back in our seats and just look into each others eyes.

After a while, the silence drowns us in a comfortable bliss.

"Goodness, come here" I give in, opening my arms.

Reaching over the center console, she perches herself up on her elbow and cups my cheek. Lightly brushing my back behind my ear, she begins to look between me and my lips. Not being able to stand it any longer, I push myself forward and bring my lips to hers. 

Bringing my hands up to her face, I pushed her hair back and hold her cheeks in my palms. Deepening the kiss more, she brings her hand around to my lap and wraps it around my stomach. Brushing her tongue against my lip, I willingly give her access. Taking control, she uses her tongue to explore my mouth, making me moan into the kiss.

Pulling back for air, we remain as we were, our lips grazing against the other's every now and then.

"I love you" she breathed out, small giggles following after.

Sending my heart racing, my eyes meet hers as I smile widely. 

"I love you too" I responded, placing a small kiss on her lips. "And hey, you didn't stutter."

Laughing at me, she kisses me again, and interlocks our fingers.

A/N: Should I change the cover?

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