The Past Haunts

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Kristen POV:


I was enjoying my nap, as one usually does after a long day, when I got a call from who I thought was Sierra. When I answered I heard the new, yet familiar voice of one Raven. She told me that Ayra put Sierra in an uncomfortable position, and she had a panic attack.

She was unresponsive, and her breathing was unsteady. The moment her words registered in my mind, I rushed down to the address given to me to save my girlfriend.

When I got there they had gotten her to a more secluded space, that space being the washroom. She was curled up in a ball, crammed into the corner of a stall. Her breathing was steadying out, but she looked completely lost.

My heart sank at the sight of her damaged state. When I came to her side however, she instantly lay her head to rest on my chest, her shaking body engulfed in my embrace.

It took a few minutes to get her to her feet, as she was still disassociated. Her body was moving, following the given instructions, but mentally, she was somewhere completely different.

Violet and Emma helped me get her to the car, where she sat in total silence, staring off into space with the blandest expression possible.

I started saying small things to bring her back to her senses, which took me a good 15 minutes of me calling her names she loved hearing me say, talking about things she liked, until I sadly, began to lose a bit of hope.

When she responded to my touch, the amount of relief that washed over me was thrilling. Her stutter was back, which meant the encounter still had her out of it, although the panic attack was over. I took her word when she said she was okay, because I didn't want to push her, or make her feel any more uncomfortable.

The drive back was totally silent. Sierra stared off into the distance out the window, while I drove. She'd look over at me and smile ever so often, but it didn't help the fact that I was still worried.

When we pulled into the driveway of the house, she still remained silent, As we ascended through the house, which was filled with people now awakening from their glorified slumber, she remained quiet.

As I followed her up to the bedroom, she sat at the edge and released her hair from its pony, with a shaky sigh, the moment I closed the door.

I walked over and kneeled in front of her to see that she was crying.

"Hey...." I cupped her face and began wiping tears from her cheeks.

"She does this everytime" she sniffled.

Giving a look of confusion, I raise from my feet and sit next to her on the bed.

"She puts me in uncomfortable positions and then acts like she did nothing wrong" she said between sniffles. "It's fucking messed up....."

Running my fingers through her mess of hair, I plant a kiss on her cheek, before resting my head against hers.

"She won't hurt you again. I promise" I whispered to her, reaching down and interlocking our fingers.

She moved her head to the crook of my neck, and wrapped her hands around my body.

I held her close, as I stroked her hair, attempting to bring her comfort. I kissed the side of her head, as she began to scatter soft and gentle kisses along my neck.

"I love you" she mumbled into my neck.

"I love you too" I kissed the side of her head again.

She brought her head up to face me, and kissed my lips softly. Kissing back, I pushed her hair away from her face, cupping her cheek. She brought her hands up to my waist, pulling me in closer, and sliding them beneath my shirt.

Moaning at just the small contact, I bring my hands to the back of her neck, heatening the kiss even more.

And then a knock came from the door, startling us both.

"Time for dinner, you horny teenagers" Sade yelled from the other side.

"We're coming!" Sierra responded, smirking and waiting for a response.

"You nasty little shit" we heard her mumble from outside.

Laughing at her reaction, we kiss again, only to be interrupted by continuous knocks again.

"Fine, fine" Sierra sighed, pulling us towards the door.

And with that we headed downstairs, to find everyone moving around and setting the table.

I took a seat, as requested by Sierra, and sat listening to my daughters day. She was bouncing in her seat with excitement, as she told me all that she did today, and in depth.

Through her speech, I noticed a small switch in the way she said things.

She started using words that were longer, and more sophisticated than she usually would. April's vocabulary was following a familiar pattern, that I couldn't miss.

She was mimicking Sierra.

Being brought endless joy, by the bond shared between my daughter and lover, I listened with intent, as she spoke so much like the woman I loved.

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