Been A While

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Kristen POV:

3 months later

"Can't we just watch for a little bit longer Momma?" April whined, pouting her lips.

"No sweetheart, come on. It's bed time " I replied, switching off the TV and kneeling forward, picking her up.

Reluctantly, she came into my arms and held on to me. I took her up the stairs into her bedroom, I laid her down and began to tuck her in. 

When I finished, I gently brushed her hair out of her face, and kissed her forehead.

"What story should we read tonight angel?"

"Can we read the '3 Billy Goats' Gruff'?" she asked sleepily.

Pulling the book from the bedside table, I sat up next to her, as she laid her head on my lap. 

Stroking her hair while I read, I watched as she slowly fell asleep, her hands full with the fabric of my sweatpants. Closing the book, I placed it down and gently lifted her off of me.

Laying her head on the pillow and tucking her in again, I placed a kiss on her forehead, and just as I backed away, her eyes tiredly cracked open.

"Goodnight Momma"

"Goodnight angel."

Kissing her goodnight again, I pulled back and left the room.

Going back downstairs, I turn off the lights in the living room, and the kitchen, as I hear the front door open behind me. 

Two hands made their way around my waist, pulling me back. A heavy head came to rest on my shoulder, while a pair of lips, peppered soft kisses on my neck.

"I missed you" she whispered, her voice tired and raspy.

"I missed you too" I turned to face her, wrapping my arms around her neck.

Her eyes were weary, her body drained, and yet her lips held a soft smile. Bringing her head to lay on my shoulder once more, I stroked her hair, and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Bed?" I asked in a whisper, tucking some hair behind her ear,

"I just got home and you're trying to get me in your pants already?" 

Tapping her behind her head, we laughed together as she pulled herself from me. She gently placed her lips on mine, as her hands cupped my face, while I held on to her wrists.

"I've been thinking about that all day" she said as she pulled back, reaching for my hands. Pulling me with her, she took me upstairs to our room, kissing me ever so often.

Walking into the room, she brought me to lay on the bed, as she stood above me, breaking away. She walked into the closet, staying a while before emerging in one of her oversized shirts and shorts. 

Coming back to me, she began to kiss me again in a slow, passionate pace. Laying in bed together, totally endulged in each other, we almost didn't hear the soft knock from the other side of the door.

Breaking away slowly, Sierra stood and opened the door, April on the other side. 

She stood there, stuffed zebra in hand, rubbing her eyes. A smile grew on her face, as Sierra took her in her arms, resting her head on Sierra's shoulder.

"Can I sleep with you guys?" she asked with a yawn, struggling to keep her eyes open.

Closing the bedroom door, Sierra brought her back over to the bed, laying her next to me. She turned and snuggled into me, her hand stretching over my stomach. Sierra turned off the bedroom light, walking back to us and getting in next to April.

She pulled the covers over us three, the both of us enclosing April between us. We both leaned down, kissing either side of our daughter's forehead.

We then kissed each other goodnight, before we fell asleep.

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