Chapter 47

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**Sorry for taking so long, I am back.**

- What happened here?

Notrack1 asked when entering the house and noticing that his living room is completely different.

- I'm away for less than 24 hours and you change my entire living room?

Natasha: Your furniture didn't make any sense. The sofa does not face the TV. Now it is facing. You're welcome.

- Do you want me to thank you?? You ended the circulation of the room, placed the sofa across the middle of it.

Natasha crossed her arms and frowned.

Natasha: You can go behind and in front of the couch now!

- This is an obstacle, you have no sense of functionality!

Natasha: Why do you have to complain about, absolutely, everything??

- Just about the logical stuff! This is my house, you are here as a mothefucking guest!

Natasha rolled her eyes and Notrack1 put the groceries on the floor, he went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, standing in front of it, analyzing what he wanted.

Natasha: Sarah almost ran out the window last week, don't you remember? And that happened precisely because the couch was leaning against the wall under the window. I made the change for her safety but if that's really an issue, I'll put it back to how it was before.

Notrack1 grabbed a long neck bottle of beer and was silent, still staring into the fridge, he tapped his fingers on the fridge door and then looked at Natasha.

- It's not a problem.

Notrack1 declared and then flung the bottle towards Natasha and she grabbed the bottle before it hit her face, she has good reflex moves.

- Think fast!

Notrack1 said just after throwing the bottle and Natasha looked seriously in his direction.

- Congratulations... your reflexes are working perfectly.

Natasha: And my aim too.

Natasha threatened to throw the bottle back.

- Go on and try me.

Notrack1 challenged Natasha and closed the fridge door to face her. Natasha shook her head.

- Weak.

Natasha: Think what you want. I won't risk it.

- Risk what? You like these games, admit it. I saw in your eyes how much you love challenges. I love it too. We have this in common.

Notrack1 chuckled.

Natasha: Turns out that the last time we tested each other inside the house, a shard of glass got stuck in my baby daughter's foot. I will not take that risk again. Someone has to be responsible and mature here now.

- Oh!

Notrack1 rolled his eyes.

- You are so exaggerated... the thing was pretty smal!

Notrack1 opened the fridge to get another bottle and laughed as he remembered the episode of the broken glass in Sarah's foot.

Natasha: A glass got stuck in my daughter's foot! She is a baby!

- She didn't even bleed... and we cleaned the house afterwards.

Natasha: Not enough apparently.

Notrack1 shrugged, he opened the bottle but didn't drink it.

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