That night, Steve and Natasha just kissed intensely for a long time and many times on the same night and they had to stay in the same place, on that balcony that had the stars as their ceiling. Both were aware that surrendering to kisses like that could only happen in public, so that it would not evolve to the next stage, which Natasha's body is not yet ready to go through.
So they enjoyed what they could that night and it was wonderful for Steve to be able to hug her body from behind and feel her lay her head on his chest, while they both looked at that surreally wonderful country.
It was perfect for Natasha to allow herself to be embraced in a protective way that way, without worrying about looking like a weak person, since there was no one else there, besides the man she already trusted to see and know her weaknesses.
It was very cold at that time and that was one more reason for Steve to be even more attached to Natasha's body.
Steve and Natasha were already dying of sleep, but nobody wanted to be the first to admit it and cause this separation of their bodies, so they remained there till when all they heard was a sequence of yawns and they had to say goodbye, regretting internally, until because the sun was already rising.
Steve still had to try a little harder, because Natasha was standing for a long time so she was stuck to be able to walk, so he carried her on his arms to her room, then to her bed and during the journey she fell asleep and woke up briefly when she was being put to bed. Natasha looked briefly at Steve, she smiled as a way of thanking him and went back to sleep.
Steve stayed a few more minutes in the room, just watching her sleep again, then he went to his room, to rest his body.
In the coming days, Steve still spent most of his time with Bucky at the village and Natasha spent her days doing physical therapy, getting to know the palace in Wakanda, meeting the people who attend the palace, the Wakanda royalty and even the servants and members of the army.
While some were more open to talking to her, others were much more closed and it was those ones she liked the most, she also wouldn't give much openness to outsiders, by the way, she no longer opens up to anyone.
Steve and Natasha only saw each other at dinner, talked a little, waited for everyone to sleep to be alone, to be able to kiss, have some exchange of caresses and again they went to bed.
Now, two weeks after their arrival in Wakanda, Natasha was at the palace pool, accompanied by an instructor, who in America would be known as a physiotherapist, but in Wakanda he has another name. This instructor has helped Natasha to recover her movements and even after two weeks of treatment, he still does not talk to her, he is one of those who does not open up for foreigners, he is always silent and it is what Natasha likes.
Not to say that he doesn't talk, the instructor just orders Natasha what to do with the exercises, and he Always speaks... in his language.
Natasha doesn't speak the language of Wakanda, of course, but he does the movements she has to do and she only repeats and he even gets angry when she does it wrong, it's a function he doesn't seem to like doing with her and guess what? He is now her favorite Wakanda citizen, every morning she arrives and even smiles at him and all he does is frown and go into the pool.
- While everyone is outside, sweating in a 104º F heat, you are here in the pool, pretending to be healing.
Steve said in a good mood when entering the pool hall, he walked to the edge of the pool and Natasha smiled at him, she was floating in the water and her physiotherapist was holding her under.
Natasha: Well, I'm here for medical reasons. I have a certificate that exempts me from any activity that doesn't involve a swimming pool or air conditioning, are you interested in seeing it?

Endgame Romanogers Fanfic
FanfictionAfter the Civil War events on MCU, Captain America's team managed to escape from prison with the help of Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers, they went on to live in anonymity because now they are fugitives and due to that, new relationships were form...