Chapter 38

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**Sorry, I took so long. I hope there is somebody reading yet**

At the SHIELD hospital, doctors and even nurses debated about Sarah's conditions, she was in a stable condition right now despite continuing with very low blood oxygenation, it seem that she would colapse at any moment or have a cardiorespiratory arrest due to the long period with oxygenation at under 65. The normal oxygenation is above 95. The doctors were lost and kind desperate in the beggining because it was supposed for Sarah to be already dead, but she is stable yet, they don't know how and if that would remain like that and they need the help of Doctor Bruce Banner who is living constantly as the Hulk, and he is never around. It took them hours to find Hulk and he knew about Natasha's return and that she had a baby daughter who is sick of something that no one know what it is, he immediately offered himself to be in charge of her condition.

The Hulk was also surprised by Sarah's tests, the blood tests showed nothing abnormal, but the saturation test was so worrying that if she were any normal person, she would have to be intubated or be with some mechanical ventilation process.

Hulk commented how strange it was for Sarah to be sleeping without struggling for air, he wanted to study her more, just like the other doctors also wanted but first they had to treat her. The only apparent treatment was to supply Sarah with oxygen, it was the only symptom she had so they put a mask on her face that only leaves her eyes and forehead out and she ended up waking up during this process and she got so scared by so many strangers faces and devices around her tiny body that she took the mask out several times until the doctor threatened to tie her arms and actually tries, but Steve didn't allow it, he didn't bear to watch her baby daughter struggle like that, she was really scared.

Needless to say, Steve was allowed to stay with Sarah in the room, so he wasn't having access to Natasha and she hadn't woken up, he thought about visiting her but he decided make this new experience on Earth not traumatic as possible for Sarah, as she never had contact with humans other than her mother and all of this is very new and this was not how he planned to insert her into social life with people.

Steve made sure that he would hold Sarah and if she took off the mask, he would put it back on. They warned that she would always take it off and he said he didn't care, nobody was going to tie up his daughter.

It was a difficult and painful task. Steve holding Sarah in his lap and keeping her arms immobile, she wanted to move and take off her mask so she screamed and fought a lot, she called for her mother desperately and cried a lot, Steve almost shed tears for Sarah's suffering but he did his best to hold on.

Now Steve wonders if Sarah will see him as a bad person, if she will associate him with this treatment that she is receiving, so he started singing to her and it was a competition between crying and singing, until Sarah started to calm down or she just slept from exhaustion.

Now that Sarah is sleeping and being treated, Steve laid her on the bed that had side protection to keep her from falling and he prepared to call and hear from James but Maria Hill came into the room, she looked at him and then looked at the baby.

Maria was in such a good mood that she couldn't believe what she was told about Steve returning with Natasha and a child.

Hill approached Sarah's bed and spent nearly five minutes studying her face.

Hill: It's really hers.

Hill concluded with the analysis, she made negative with her head and looked at Steve.

Hill: How??

Steve: I... I still don't know... Natasha was a little confused, she said she felt her grow in her belly a few months ago and now she is here as you can see.

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