Chapter 21

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Rocket: Thanos, son of a bitch!!!

Rocket shouted, very angry, not knowing that this news would be shocking and impacting to everyone there in that environment, he was just showing empathy for someone else who suffered post-snap losses.

Despite being a surprise to everyone, nobody was as shocked as Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner, as they were the only ones who knew about Natasha's infertility.

Steve and Bruce were completely silent. Steve didn't know what to say, he didn't know how to act, he didn't know how and where to look but at Natasha.

Natasha is already feeling regret to have told Steve about the interrupted pregnancy this way, even more than she told it in front of everyone, but it must be understood that she was not thinking about who was there or not, she had all her hope of having something to cling to thrown away from her again.

It was not enough the moment to have seen Steve with Peggy's compass, there are still the losses of Thanos' snap, there is still the destruction of all the stone and there is still the pregnancy interrupted. Usually she takes care of everything alone, she takes care of what she feels and takes care of what others feel, but not today... today she reached her limit. Thanos did that.

How to move on now?

Back to that moment when Steve seemed to be processing the information received yet... Natasha vowed to herself to not to tell him about the pregnancy so as not to make him suffer since the child was already gone, there was no need to make him mourn either, he was already suffering. He is always suffering and she still throws this bomb at him... just like that. It wasn't supposed to be that way.

Bruce: Pregnant??

Bruce spoke first, still looking puzzled.

Rhodey: Guys, we have to go back...

Rhodey took the initiative to try to give Steve and Natasha privacy.

Carol Danvers: There's nothing else to do here... in this case... because Steve and Natasha need time alone to talk. We have things to do on the aircraft before we leave... right, Rocket?

Rocket: Yeah... yeah... we got it.

Rocket frowned and together with Carol, he headed out of the hut

Rhodey: Come on, Bruce...

Bruce: Pregnant??

Bruce asked again and Natasha looked at him, already sighing.

Bruce is another one who didn't need to know that way too, even though Natasha didn't have anything romantically with him anymore, she told him that she couldn't have children.

Natasha: I can explain... or I can't, I don't know, but Bruce... I am sorry anyway, I need...

Natasha looked from Bruce to Steve.

Natasha: I need to talk to Steve first.

Bruce: Apparently, you do.

Bruce looked at Steve who did not leave the same position and did not stop looking at Natasha perplexed yet.

Bruce chuckled and shook his head, then left the hut.

Rhodey: Nebula, I feel for your loss. Thanos was still your father...

Nebula: Don't be sorry. Nor should I feel sorry.

Nebula spoke up and then left the cabin. Rhodey left shortly after and Steve sighed after when he got alone with Natasha. It was his first reaction.

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