Natasha: Sarah? Sarah??? Where are you?
Natasha called for her daughter.
Natasha was under the ship, trying to repair the wiring.
Natasha had abandoned the idea of repairing the ship, it seemed useless but as Sarah is a little bigger now and she is already crawling, it is difficult to trust that she remains at the exact same place with Fuzzy when she need to pick food. One time Natasha took a big fright when on one of her explorations to get food, when she returned on the mountain, she took about five minutes to find Sarah and trust me that 5 minutes was long enough to terrify Natasha and make her think that her daughter was dead.
Natasha now seeks food less often, and this was difficult because their food was basically fruits and the fruits spoiled in a few days, so it was not possible to stock up on large quantities, everything was very well rationed and thought to feed everybody.
Now Natasha only trusts to go get food carrying Sarah along with her and for that reason, Fuzzy who was the one to be alone on the mountain waiting for her return and that took him further away from his native family. Natasha saw no problem with that since staying with her seemed to be his choice.
It was still too risky for Natasha to cross the fields with Sarah, the creatures in the first field were very wild and got more and more aggressive perhaps because now Natasha and Sarah means two sources of food for them, so Natasha is doing everything to repair the ship. Even if the ship doesn't serve to leave Vormir, if she can make it work like a car or fly low, it would help a lot to keep everyone together and safe.
Natasha: Sarah??
Natasha called again and for lack of answers, she slid out from under the ship, she sat on the sand of the dunes of Vormir and looked around for Sarah.
Natasha: Sarah??
Natasha heard Sarah's cry more distant and immediately saw Fuzzy jump out of one of these pools formed by the dunes of Vormir, he looked scared, which made Natasha believe that he was hurt when he touched the water, so she understood that Sarah could be in one of the pools and even though they were very shallow, Natasha was afraid that Sarah might drown in some way, so she ran to where she saw Fuzzy and saw Sarah sitting inside one of the pools.
Natasha: Sarah!!!
Natasha took Sarah on her lap and hugged her, she was relieved that she was fine but Sarah was still crying.
Natasha: What were you doing? It's not to be away from me and you can't be in the water alone. How did you come so far this time??
Natasha asked rocking her from side to side, trying to calm her down, then immediately walked over to the ship again.
Sarah: Mama.
Sarah mumbled.
Natasha: What is it?
Natasha approached the ship and opened the door.
Natasha: I'm almost done, but I'll have to keep you stuck while I do this...
Natasha said and put Sarah inside the ship and she was still weeping. Natasha noticed the red mark on Sarah's arm and frowned.
Natasha: Those damn bugs stung you again, did they?? Oh I am so sorry, baby... it hurts, right? I hate that they're biting you, it's so weird that they don't bite me too...
Natasha kissed close to the mark and that already made Sarah anguished because it was very sore.
Natasha: I don't know what to do to protect you from that, I'm sorry...

Endgame Romanogers Fanfic
Fiksi PenggemarAfter the Civil War events on MCU, Captain America's team managed to escape from prison with the help of Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers, they went on to live in anonymity because now they are fugitives and due to that, new relationships were form...