Chapter 1

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That ruthless palm landed heavily on Lisa's face sharply and painfully.

"You insolent girl....Your shame truly knows no bounds! Speak! who does that bastard in your belly belong to?"

Lee Dongwook glared at his eldest daughter and her bulging stomach. His eyes were red with rage.

"I.... I don't know"

Tears began to roll down from Lisa's eyes. Her cheeks were red and swollen. Her jet-blank hair spread over her shoulder her bangs are messy now.

"You don't even know who is belongs to? How messed up is your private life?"

Stepmother Yoo Inna was folding her arms and watching her with a look of great disgust.

"I wasn't playing around! I really didn't"

Lisa shook her head wildly and tried her best to explain.

She had been defiled without knowing who the man was.

The only thing she remembered was that she had passed out after some drinks on graduation night, and that someone had already laid their hands upon her when she recovered.

She dared not tell her father, much less allow her stepmother, who had always been keen om smearing her to know.

But as she carried that secret with her, her belly swelled by the day.

"No? You don't even know who is the father, and you would still claim otherwise?"

Yoo Inna's sly gaze cut into her as she yelled, "Husband! Now all of River Town knows that the eldest daughter of our family has loose moral and messes around. You mustn't indulge her anymore"

Lee Dongwook looked up at his young wife. "What should I do, then?"

"If it were me, it'd be best to disown her" Yoo Inna's lips curled up as she spoke with a honeyed voice. "Husband, I know you love Lisa. But after such a huge mess, Our family is done for if we don't ties right away!"

"Yoo Inna, so all you want is chase me off and claim the company for yourself!" Lisa seethed.

Ever since her mother's death, her father had quickly married Inna.

Since then, she had never seen the light of day as she was bullied to the bone by that stepmother and her younger stepsister.

Her dishonor might not be completely unrelated to them either.

"What are you talking about?" With her nerve touched, a poisonous look flashed across Inna's face for an instant. "Your father and I genuinely love each other, and I've always thought of you as my own all these years....but you scorned me without showing me gratitude! why would I take your father's company_his very blood and sweat?"

The more she went on, the more Inna was aggrieved. Tears began to flow as if in great sadness.

Dongwook embraced his wife, his heart aching. Slapping his desk heavily, he bellowed_flustered and exasperated, "Kneel!"

Lisa clenched her first tightly instead_ the rim of her eyes reddened. "Why should I kneel? I did nothing wrong"

She was the victim. Why should she be taking responsibility for everything?

"You are a disgrace!" Dongwook abruptly stood up and unleashed another slap. "You've humiliated the Lee family! from this day forth, you are no longer one of us!"

The slap knocked the wind out of Lisa and she fell_ her belly cramping and her breath caught.

"You are....disowning me?" Her voice was shaking in disbelief.

Meanwhile, Inna went to her husband, wiping her tears and dissuading him insincerely. "Husband, don't... Lili is pregnant, what if you hurt the child?"

She really knew how to act the part of a nice person_ a moment ago, she was chasing her out of the family....

And now she was trying to keep the peace.

Dongwook grunted coldly, no longer caring for any father-daughter sentiment. "It's exactly because she's pregnant that our family has lost face! You're really becoming like your mother, bitch"


Hhaha Bitch?"

He really was heartless. No different from the days leading to her mother's death.

Lisa clenched a fist_ her knuckles tightening into bare whiteness.

She was his daughter. How could be he so cruel?"

"Dad, we're home"

A voice that resembled the chime of a bell rang.

By the door, a girl in a white skirt was entering the room alongside a cultured and refined man.

As her gaze lowered to their linked hands, Lisa's complexion paled.

Was that her stepsister Tzuyu, together with her friend, Mingyu.

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