Chapter 106

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In that moment, the car swerved as it turned into a junction, throwing Lisa into Jungkook's arms.

As the tip of her nose ached, a teasing voice spoke overhead.

"Are you so moved and in such a hurry to hold me?"

Lisa shoved him away, rubbing her nose and blushing as she denied that. "Stop imagining things"

He really felt no embarrassment at all Bang Chan and Jisoo were still there!

Hence, she picked her little one and put him between herself and Jungkook, maintaining some distance.

The man's face went dark instantly. "Go away kid!"

An excess of a brat, always interfering in the important moments when he was playing with his wife!

He suddenly had an impulse to give him away to someone else.

Still, Lisa would never agree to that and he therefore could not do a thing.

Nonetheless, the little one snorted coldly, his look of disgust a perfect copy of Jungkook's. "I'll sit here. Make you angry".


Being enraged by a smaller version of yourself is quite a fresh thing.

Envy appeared in Jungkook's eyes as the temperature car dropped to sub-zero.

No one dared to breathe loudly in the deathly silence.



Jisoo could not help but laugh over at the passenger seat, but quickly kept it together when she felt everyone's eyes turning to her.

"How dare you laugh at our boss?!" Bang Chan suddenly yelled at her.

Jisoo flinched, "Are you sick? You scared me"

Bang Chan kept gesturing at her with his eyes. "You're sick! I'm not, I'm very healthy"

Unable to understand his signals, Jisoo was really annoyed. "Why are you doing that thing with your eyes? Go to the hospital if you're blind!"

Bang Chan took a deep breath.

How stupid could she be? Can't she see that the kind of the underworld was seeing red behind them? And still she would rather scold him than apologize.

Whatever. It was none of his business!

Bang Chan turned away and muttered, "So stupid"

Jisoo's ears pricked up and she glared at him. "Dare to repeat that?"

He actually called her stupid!

Well, she was, but he's not allowed to say that!

Meanwhile, Bang Chan gingerly pretended that he did not hear her and kept driving.

His suspicions were confirmed: Women were the most frightening creatures in the world, and it was better to stay single.

To him, Jisoo was a tiger mom and a demoness all wrapped in one.

As he stopped the car outside Jisoo's place, she got off and waved towards the people at the back seat, "Lili, President Jeon, Little one, see you!"

Then, throwing Bang Chan an angry glare, she slammed the door shut and left.

Lisa then turned to Jungkook. "Where are you taking us?"

He never once mentioned bringing their son back to the Jeon family ever since he acknowledged the boy.

MR. Jeon, The Heart Bandit | L.K AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now