Chapter 15

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"So you work here, sis! such a coincidence!" Tzuyu put up her trademark smile and pulled Lisa to the balcony, making introductions with delicate sweetness. "Let me introduce you. This is Jungkook, my fiance....I presume both of you know each other?"

As Lisa's gaze met Jungkook's deep, cold eyes, she smiled through gritted teeth. "Yes, we've met before. Isn't that right, President Jeon?"

After all, they had the pants-wetting sort of acquaintance.

Nonetheless, Jungkook simply turned away to look at the scenery beyond indifferently.

'Wow. He really given no face'

Tzuyu noted that Little exchange in glee, believing that Jungkook was loathing Lisa for pushing her his woman yesterday.

"Kook...." Tzuyu crouched before her pleasantly. "She's my sister. I know you don't like her, but tomorrow is she day we announce our engagement so we'll be family soon. Don't be like that, okay?"

It was a line that asserted her dominance over Lisa, even if she was actually putting on airs.

Lisa could feel her skin crawl as she watched. As expected of the one billed as the top newcomer her acting prowess was impressive.

"Oh sister. Mister Jeon doesn't like me much anyway. By the way, I'm off....I have work to do"

Lisa sighed in both grievance and dismay while trying to escape that sappy place.

She did not fear Tzuyu, but as the saying goes: Out of sight, out of mind.

Anyone would understand that feeling where the stomach would heave in any given moment looking at that white lotus.


Jungkook suddenly spoke: his tone was very cold.

Lisa stopped in her tracks at once.

The accursed man. Her body had obeyed him almost by reflex.

"Is there something else, Mister Jeon?" she flashed him a dazzling smile.

At the same time, her chest churned in waves of wrathful flames.

Why were her smiles ever so flawless?

Could she not show a little emotion?

"Watch me to eat"

Jungkook leaned back lazily with the demeanor of some great nobleman waiting to be served.


Lisa was left dumbfounded.

Had she gone deaf? What was he even saying, watch him eat?

Meanwhile Tzuyu could feel her heart singing. Quickly pinching a piece of the dish Jungkook was eating with a pair of chopsticks, she brought it to his mouth.

"Here, Kook, Be good boy, open wide.....Aaaaaaa...."

Jungkook stared at his food; his eyebrows were raised.

Tzuyu had fresh good looks bearing a pure maiden's innocence and the soft-spoken trait that came with it.

She would always claim any man's soul with ease because she was what men universally liked a type of woman that could invoke their protectiveness.

And yet she did not even hold a candle to Lisa,

Her facial features were mundane, but exceedingly stunning as a unit. It was as if she was god's finest piece of art, her every little gesture never lacking feminine style and charm.

She was the best of the best.

However, why did such a woman already have a child? And had been together with another man?

Jungkook gulped his food hatefully, unable to savor the taste.

On the other hand, Jungkook was having the time of her life feeding him, with her entire face brimming with pleasure. In fact, her smile was so wide it could reach the back of her head.

She imagined that Lisa would probably be very irritated.

"Kook, here, have a drink" Tzuyu brought a cup to him as if serving an emperor.

Jungkook then looked up to find Lisa looking out over the balcony, her arms folded and expression impassive.

It was as if she was saying 'enjoy yourselves while I turn myself off'

And that was the first time he was ignored as if he was thin air.

He was not amused.

He want her to look at him

Now he is upset.

MR. Jeon, The Heart Bandit | L.K AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now