Chapter 126

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Lisa smiled faintly. "Thanks for your approval".

"Oh, don't say that, Sister-in-law". Jeon Junghyun moved his wheelchair closer to her, his smile widening. "We are a family after all, and I quite like you".

Lisa's brow promptly tightened in inward disgust. "Like?"

Did she blow up a galaxy in her last life to be liked by such a person?

"What are you talking about Sister-in-law?" Jeon Junghyun laughed out loud, revealing several sharp teeth. "I don't mean the love kind of like. Don't think too much about it, or my brother is going to beat me up...."

He then paused abruptly. In that moment, it was as if he was a completely different person: his eye circles reddened, and he was pouting in grief. "Since we were children, my brother would beat me if I misbehaved. I'm a cripple, so I couldn't fight back".

Lisa realized then that there was not a single normal human being amongst the men of the Jeon family.

Especially Jeon Junghyun, the epitome of being sick itself.

She rose from the sofa, wanting to check on Jungkook and Junghyun suddenly reached out and caught her.

"What are you doing?" Lisa could not help from shrieking.

That hand was ice-cold and without a shred of human warmth, and she swung it off.

Meanwhile, Jeon Nomin simply looked on before rising to leave, as if it could not be more normal.

Jungkook hurried toward them then pulling Lisa behind him and glaring coldly at Junghuyn.

"Brother, I've done nothing...." Junghyun shook his head in denial fervently as he stared back in panic. "I was just....I was just trying to get to know Sister-in-law, so that she won't feel disgusted with my crippled self....I really had no intention to scaring her...."

Even so, every line on Jungkook's face was tightening. His thin lips were tightly pursed, and his eyes were cold and dark.

He was angry.

Lisa touched his arm, shook her head and calmly said, "I'm fine".

Nonetheless, Jungkook's voice was cold and emotionless. "Scare her again and I'll have you go full cripple!"

Junghyun promptly shrank in fear, and continued shaking his head as if he was about to cry. "I-I got it, Brother...."

Once again, he looked like a completely different person from the one who looked dangerous when Lisa first saw him.

Could he be an imbecile?

Still, Lisa simply couldn't bear to be in the same as he was, and followed Jungkook to the kitchen.

"Where's the ginger water you cooked?"

"In the pot".

She opened the lid, and a wave of hot air washed over her face.

The water inside was already boiling, with an entire soaked inside....

It wasn't even cut.

Once again, Lisa refreshed his knowledge. "Jungkook, you have to cut the ginger".

"Really?" Jungkook nodded, "Okay".

His fished out the ginger, soaked it in cold water for a moment before putting it on a chopping to cut it unaccustomedly.

Lisa was afraid that he would cut off his own fingers.

She suddenly asked interestedly, "Jungkook....Your brother...."

MR. Jeon, The Heart Bandit | L.K AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now