Chapter 23

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Over the last four years, Lee group had developed in prosperity and earned assets worth over billions, becoming the third strongest enterprise in River Town.

And with that fortune, the Lee family moved their house to a manor in the city's most luxurious district.

The engagement ceremony would be held in the manor's courtyard.

Luxurious cars were pouring in the widely opened European-styled main gates, and when Lisa alighted, every emotion gushed through her heart as she gazed upon the unfamiliar home.

When she was chased out of the Lee family four years ago, she had read new about them when she fled overseas.

She even cursed Lee group to go bankrupt.

It was often said that the gods are always watching, but where were they now?

Where was the karma?

Were the villains not living the good life and getting what they want?

As Lisa entered while lifting her gown, she was stopped by a steward.

"Your invitation please, madam"

Invitation? She dumped it into the trash can yesterday.

"I don't have it"

"Then apologies" The steward replied, "I can't allow you to enter"


She could not be blamed for being prohibited from entry. However, as she planned to size the chance to flee home and care for her son, an old, arresting but surprised voice called out behind her. "Lisa?"

Lisa's spine froze. She slowly turned, and her eyes met Lee Dongwook's

The man had aged considerably in the last four years. Even so, his wrinkled face matched his tailored suit, and he exuded the air of a successful middle-aged entrepreneur.

Lisa said nothing, and merely stared as he approached her.

"It's really you!" There was both delight and regret in Dongwook's eyes. "Where have you been all these years?"

Then, he started to panic as she kept her silence and agitatedly held her shoulder "Don't you know that Daddy's been looking for you for long!"

Lisa's lips curled to a cynical sneer. "Apologies, but he's dead to me"

Dongwook was left staggered. "Why would you say that, child! Even if I did make many mistakes back then...."

"Save your explanations" Lisa coldly cut him short, unwilling to listen to him. "I'm no longer a member of the Lee family, and did you thinks I've would giadly come today if I wasn't invited?"

Even so, Dongwook held her hand emotionally. "Lili, just tell me where've you been all these years! why did you disappear without a trace?"


Over the last four years, he had regrets even when he slept

Lee group had certainly developed rapidly, but Inna and Tzuyu's wild ambitions were slowly revealed.

Lee Dongwook realized then that aside from that mother and daughter's coveting of the company, they had no respect at all for him, the head of the Lee family.

How could they be so conceited?

Thanks to all his pillow talk with Inna, Lee Dongwook was influenced to give up his shares to her and Tzuyu.

Even if he was still chairman of his company, he was no more than a figurehead, not to mention that the portion of shares he now held was actually less than mother and daughter's 

The reason Inna did not kick him out to the streets was because she still needed him to run the company.

Since then, he finally realized that Lisa was right.

That was why he went on a wild search, but she was simply nowhere to be found, and four years passed in no time at all.

Lisa certainly found it funny.

"What does that have to to with me?"

All men are pigs only ever cherishing things after they were lost.

Lee Dongwook felt wounded then. "Lili, I know you blame me for what happened back then, I really regret now. I would repay you with whatever you want, alright?"

"Is that so?" Lisa laughed coldly. "Would you give me your entire company if I ask?"

Lee Dongwook was stunned. He did not expect such ambition from her.

"Dear husband, what are you doing? The guests are all waiting for you!"

A sharp woman's voice reached them.

It was Inna.

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