Chapter 194 (Main Ending)

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The winds were as gentle as the skies were blue on the day of their wedding.

Jungkook's authority remains despite the Jeon family's fall from grace countless attended their reception, even foreigners.

Lisa was dressed in a bright, white and vibrant wedding dress as she embraced and kissed Jungkook in his form-fitting black tuxedo.

At the same time, Lee Soobin also formally changed his name to Jeon Soobin then.

Jisoo was left dumbfounded when she caught the Lisa's bouquet realizing then that everyone was staring at her.

Unwittingly, her eyes found a certain person in the crowd.

He was wearing a pair of glasses at staring at her indifferently. Resisting the urge to greet him, however, Jisoo withdrew her gaze.

She smiled bitterly. She may have the luck to catch the bouquet, but she did not have the luck to get hitched.


The bridal room was lit in romantic candlelight, but Jungkook could not get his way with her woman despite having her in his arms.

Lisa's condition was delicate, and the doctor has said the they could only do it only after she was three months pregnant.

As such, the great President Jeon began his long night of abstaining.

Time flies, however, and Lisa was in labor in the blink of an eye.

Jungkook thought that it was a mercy killing when he heard her scream herself hoarse in the delivery room.

He would never have gotten her pregnant if he knew that childbirth was such anguish.

When Lisa was wheeled out, the nurse was holding a wrinkly infant and smiling. "Congratulations, President Jeon. It's a girl".

Jungkook did not even spare them a glance, instead walking up to Lisa and held her lethargic hand, his eyes red as he spoke to her. "I'm sorry".

A crystalline tear rolled down Lisa's pale cheeks.

Then, Jungkook delegated every work he had on hand and concentrated solely on caring for Lisa, promoting himself from president to nanny-daddy.

Jungkook had founded Lisa Song International, a new company which Song Kang held a stake as well in the wake of KBS's gradual decline.

In a single year, the company rose to international expansion and even successfully acquired KBS.

With that, the Jeon family had finally fallen.


Then, on the twenty-eighth day of Lisa's postnatal confinement, Jungkook and Soobin had their violent argument.

"Shouldn't girls have flowery names like Hua or Lan?!" The little one was yelling. "I don't care! My little sister name should be Jeon Huahua!"

Jungkook pressed a finger over his brow. "So old-fashioned. Don't call yourself my son when you're outside".

"....Then what should her name be?!"

Jungkook's brow tightened. "Keep talking".

Lisa had thought at first that Jungkook wasn't being attentive about their daughter. That thought, coupled with her postnatal temper, caused her to have a small squabble with him.

It was in the middle of the night when she got out of bed of the toilet, when she found Jungkook searching the dictionary in front of the table light.

She only learned that he took naming their daughter very, very seriously.

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