Chapter 37

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When he saw that Lisa struggled with her limp. Jungkook picked up with a single swish, with Soobin still in her arms.

The man was strong and had an awe-inspiring chest. Blushing a little she averted her gaze.

On another note, she almost forgot entirely about Jisoo if she did not call her.

"Lili, I can't find Soobin anywhere...." Jisoo's voice was hoarse from crying. "I'll go kill myself"

"chu...." Lisa felt a little embarrassed. "Don't worry, I found him"

"Really!?" Jisoo could be heard slapping her chest in relief from the other end. "Wonderful, wonderful....when are you guys coming back! I miss him so much....I won't survive if he really went missing!"

Lisa smiled then. "Be at ease. Have a meal and watch your dramas I'm bringing him back now.

When she hung up, the tot appeared rather unhappy. "Mommy, are we really going home?"

He would not be able to see daddy if they did.

In return, Lisa tapped the tip of his little node. "Of course we're going home"

'Or what, are we supposed to stay here?'

"Okay...." The little one's eyes darkened as he pouted.

Meanwhile, Jungkook kept his eyes on Lisa for a few moments.

"Bang Chan" he than said, "Take them home"

The other three were certainly surprised by his reaction.

'You're not having them stay, boss?' Bang Chan thought. 'This isn't how it's supposed to go....'

'Hmph!' The little one thought. 'Bad daddy! I don't love you anymore'

'He is finally thinking straight now?' Lisa thought.

When Lisa and the tit got on, Bang Chan had already started the ignition.

However, just as she was still thinking that she was finally freed from Jungkook, a warm breeze suddenly streamed inside as the door opened.

Jungkook calmly entered and sat beside her.

"Why are you in here?" Lisa asked.

"It's my car" He replied.

"Please don't tell me you're following me home"

Jungkook's face was impassive. "What do you care?"


She must have trampled over his grave in her last life that he was seeking vengeance in this life by annoying her to death.

On the other hand, the little one was bursting with joy. Climbing up on his lap in moments, he looked up at him happily "Daddy, you're here"

Jungkook tousled his dark hair, a rare mildness beneath his eyes.


Back home, Jisoo was spread over the living room sofa. He hair was tied in a messy bun, with her legs spread apart in an unrefined manner while watching a drama.

"Welcome, Lili, Soobin" She said lazily when she heard the door open.

No one replied, although there was a rush of coolness.

Jisoo sat up. There was a ray of sun filling in, and she shielded her eyes by find a stony-faced Jungkook in his black tailored suit.

His collar was wide open, just at his imposing coldness and aristocratic appearance added to his indescribable handsomeness.

Truly, his face would captivate even straight men!

"What the hell"

Startled, Jisoo leaped to her feet, her bulging eyes almost dropping out of their sockets.

"You you're Jeon Jungkook!"

However, the man ignored her and instead glared coldly at Lisa. "Why is there a man in your house?!"

Everyone else was left speechless.

Jisoo's hair was very short and her appearance rather masculine. Moreover, her outfit made her look like that .

"She is Kim Jisoo" the little one quickly explained. "Mommy's assistant and she is woman!"

Jungkook scanned her thoroughly, his face slowly calmed.

"Soobin, I miss you so much!" Jisoo laughed at the boy and gave his little rump a few slaps. "You brat, do you know how long I've been looking for you? Don't run off anymore"

The little one higgled.

However, Jungkook's face darkened as he watched Jisoo.

"Why are you hitting him?" He growled coldly.

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