Chapter 65

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When the meeting ended, Lisa quickly squeezed her way into the crowd and slipped away.

She did not even pauses for a moment as if there was a flood surging tightly beside her.

Jungkook quickly followed. His face was as dark as the skies outside with the possibility of lightning strikes at any given moment.

Everyone was so spooked when they saw him that they cleared the way for him.

Meanwhile, Lisa flied all the way to the ladies' room, entered a cubicle and locked it.

Only then did she breathe a sigh of relif.

Hmph, she would see how he would enter she would yell pervert and thug if he did.

Meanwhile, Jungkook stood outside and waited.

Each female employee who left the washroom was blushing. "President Jeon...."

He would throw them a cold glare then, and they would quickly leave.

When Lisa still didn't come out after half and hour, Jungkook turned to leave.

'Fine, Lisa. You've got balls'

'But there is all the time in the world!'


With Jungkook's usual pattern, Lisa thought that he would make some excuse and summon her to his office since he could not get back at her immediately.

It was a little unexpected, but that was fine since she could work comfortably.

After lunch, Jisoo received a message and told her, "Lili, there's a client who asked a meeting at the cafe opposite to talk about some design issues"

Lisa's brow wrinkled. "Man or woman?"

"Man. There's not much else, but he did say that he wanted to get acquainted and talk about certain designing aspects"

Lisa bite her lip. "Alright, book a place for me"

It could be her very first order in KBS she mustn't take it lightly.

If that order went sour, she might not keep the title of chief designer in KBS.

And that would cause a lot of unnecessary problems for her.

Jisoo nodded. "Alright, I'll tell the client about the meeting place after making the arrangements"

The little one looked up from the game he was playing when he hears 'man', "Mommy, don't forget that you're meeting a man"

In other words, don't cheat on Daddy.

Lisa's face darkened and she gently pinched his little cheek. "You rascal, I've wasted four years doting on you. Who is more important me or Jungkook? choose!"

The little one titled his head and thought about it seriously.

"Hmmmm. Sister is more important"




Lisa was speechless.


There was a chime the rush of a warm breeze when Lisa opened the door to the cafeteria.

Lisa preferred a window seat. Walking past a few tables under the guide of a waiter, she turned to leave when she saw Kim Mingyu's face.


He quickly gave chase and blocked her way with a tender smile. "What are you doing, Lili?"

She rolled her eyes at him and mocked. "Doing all that just to meet me? You are quite the disgusting one, Kim Mingyu!"

A wounded look flashed over the man's face. "How could you say that, Lili? Don't you know that it hurt my heart?"

'Hurt? And do you even have a heart scumbag?'

Lisa shrugged and smiled coldly. "Four years ago, you called me a bitch, spurned me and said that you didn't want to see me for the rest of your life. Didn't you think about how you hurt me back then?"

Mingyu's face fell at her words. "Lili, I told you that it happened in the heat of the moment. I;ve been fooled by Tzuyu all those years ago, that's why....I was wrong, and you did hit and curse me, is that not enough? Can't you forgive me? Everyone makes mistakes, don't they?"

See? Was that even how humans spoke?

"Kim Mingyu. Why don't you just die bastard?"

His face turned at those words, but Lisa merely blinked innocently. "Oh my, I said that in the heat of the moment. Can you forgive me?"

MR. Jeon, The Heart Bandit | L.K AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now