Chapter 156

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"Aaarh! It hurts!"

Kim Mingyu's face tightened and he quickly begged for mercy. "Let me go, Lili!"

"Let you go?" Lisa sneered. "Then why didn't you let me go?"

"I....Vernon forced me!" Mingyu hugged Lisa's left leg, shaking his head and begging while dumping the blame to the unconscious Vernon. "Lili, please, let me go! I promise I won't trouble you anymore! I'll vanish from your sight! I swear! Okay?"

Let him go?

What a joke!

He had kidnapped her without regard of their old ties, even slapping her and cutting her throat.

And most of all, he had made Jungkook kneel!

After committing every atrocity there was, he had the face to ask her to let him go?

Still Lisa suddenly smiled dazzlingly after getting an idea. "Alright, I'll let you go".

Kim Mingyu promptly breathed a sigh of relief inside, thinking that Lisa is still soft.

However, that was when Lisa added, "If you kneel on the floor and bark like a dog, I'll let you go".

"W-What?!" Kim Mingyu's eyes were bulging in disbelief.

"What? You can't even do that?" Lisa blinked innocently. "Forget it then".

She turned to left, but Mingyu caught her. "Don't go, Lisa!"

So what if he barked after all? He could get his freedom.

When he rises again in the future, it would not be late for him to dominate her and destroy Jungkook!

Clenching his teeth, Kim Mingyu repressed his embarrassment and the building hate inside and got down on his knees.


The barks echoed resoundingly within the factory.

"Pff_" Hyunjin could not stifle a laugh.

At the same time, after kneeling and barking, Kim Mingyu looked at Lisa with a begging, hopeful look again.

He did not expect her to giggle and then laugh out loud, before looking down on him in disdain. "You're so stupid Kim Mingyu" She mocked without holding back. "Did you think I would let you go just because you barked like a dog?"

Her smiled soon faded, however, and her eyes suddenly sharpened as she slapped down on his face.

Before he could react, she slapped him again.

After that, she mustered every bit of strength she had to rain more vicious, wild slaps down at him.

Mingyu was now less a human than a pig than him.

Nearby, Hyunjin was looking shocked. He went to Jungkook and quietly asked, "Bro....are you going to let her hit him?"

The horror.

He had thought that Lisa wouldn't be capable of unmaidenlike things since she was so beautiful.

But now, she was slapping a man like a doll.

How frightening.

Meanwhile, Jungkook said nothing and kept watching as Lisa tortured away, mesmerized.

Suddenly, his brow tightened and he closed his eyes in pain, while his face turned white.

His palm was hurting as if his heart was stabbed.

After Lisa was done with Kim Mingyu, she shook her palm and turned away.

Mingyu's face was absolutely horrible, no longer recognizable from the swelling as he bleed.

MR. Jeon, The Heart Bandit | L.K AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now