Chapter 135

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Lisa then paused for a glance at Jungkook. "I'll also apologize for President Jeon who was also being a little excessive"

Jungkook's face darkened.

His woman doesn't apologize to anyone! And he was not at fault.

Still, Lisa had just turned to give a look, signaling him not to talk

He would be having an outburst if it had been before

However, all he could do now was to keep it in as she told him told. It was the first time he felt so upset.

Meanwhile, the old lady was staring at Eunha with doubt, "Is everything she said true?"

Since that excuse was far more acceptable than what despicable things Eunha had been up to, she bit her lip and nodded.

"Stupid girl!" The old lady coldly reprimanded. "Not everyone could join that company, and even if our family is poor, we are not short on will! You have to admit you mistake if you dragged their feet, but you actually ran! No wonder I could tell you're not acting straight even at home!"

The Old lady scolded her agitatedly to the point the her face went red, and quickly hurried to Jungkook and was about to kneel. "I'm sorry, President Jeon! My granddaughter has troubled can punish me however you want, but my granddaughter is still young!"

At first, Jungkook would have not entertained her, but feebly caught the old lady after Lisa threw him another look.

"You don't have to apologize" He said coolly.

Then, Lisa timely took over the conversation. "Grandmother, it is alright of we talk about this matter alone with Eunha?"

"Of course! She has to take responsibility for her own mistakes! But...."

The old lady nodded, and knowing that the one names President Jeon was rather obedient to the young and beautiful doll, she grasped Lisa's hands and begged. "Young lady, I only have one granddaughter. May I as that you don't make it too hard for her?"

The old lady was quite contradictory_ after giving Eunha a justified scolding a moment ago, she was now changing her tune and asking for mercy.

Still, Lisa could understand her, and nodded. "Alright"

Eunha was stamping her feet. "Grandmother!"

"Make sure to apologize to President Jeon and this lady!"

The old lady coldly said, before turning and going back inside her house with a cold snort.

Nonetheless, the atmosphere turned cold immediately when she left.

It was a rather remote location near some woods, with a few benches placed beside a table.

Although Eunha disliked Lisa and would rather shoot her ugly look, Jungkook was present and she was very cautious about that.

After all, he is someone who could call the shots in River Town.

"President Jeon....Miss Lisa, P-please sit" Eunha gestured as she walked up to one of the benches.

"As-long as you expose the ones who made you do it, I can pretend everything never happened" Jungkook's voice was cold

Eunha shaking her head in bafflement. "President Jeon, I don't understand what you're talking about"

Wow. Still playing dumb.

Lisa walked up to Eunha, using her height advantage to overwhelm her while also advising her good-naturedly. "I don't know what they gave you. Eunha, but I won't trouble you as long as you make it clear to everyone that someone else was behind Bae Suzy's incident and it had nothing do with me. You would even profile more from us, how about that?"

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