Chapter 185

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Junghyun was stunned in disbelief. "No way"

Back then, everyone was looking at him like a piece of trash with no hope of salvation.

Jungkook merely pried his fingers away and straighten the wrinkles over his coat and calmly said, "Believe it or not, that's up to you".

"That said, you mustn't forget that just as I could restore the family, I could have them fall too" Jungkook stood by the window and overlooked all that was beneath his feet.

Beneath clouds of gloom, his side profile reflected darkly as he spoke unemotionally. "I can let you take my place, but you would have to tell the Ahn family to leave".

There it was: that eternally unaffected kingly attitude of Jungkook with Junghyun hated to death.

He was the only child of direct descent in the Jeon family! What right did that bastard have to stand taller than him?

Did he even have a place in the family?!

"You think I would listen to you?!" Junghyun narrowed his eyes dangerously. "Dream on!"

The Jeon family never afforded him any warmth even thought he was born and raised amongst them. It could fall for all he cared!

"Do as you wish".

Jungkook did not waste any more words with him, and turned to leave.

He did not need the Jeon family any longer, nor did he care.

He never considered himself a part of them, so Junghyun could destroy them or whatever he liked it had nothing to do with him.

"President Jeon, what was going on!?" The assistant had been putting his head on the door, almost knocking into Jungkook when he opened the door.

He scratched his head awkwardly, having heard the entire conversation between the brothers.

Their exchange really opened new horizons for him, and he finally understood the true meaning of the phrase 'digging your own grave'.

"President Jeon, about just now....I'm sorry". The assistant suddenly felt that his own attitude towards Jungkook had been too much.

Jungkook merely offered a grunt in return and took the elevator downstairs.

"Where are you going, President Jeon?" The assistant asked.


"Huh? What about the company?"

Jungkook shot him an icy glare. "It has nothing to do with me".


The ground floor lobby of KBS Tower.

The stockholders had been held in the lobby and unable to leave. They swarmed towards Jungkook the moment they saw him arrive, as if they had finally found their savior.

"President Jeon, what should we do?"

They usually acted like tigers, but the moment things became awry just like today, they all promptly became paper tigers.

Jungkook frowned. "I've resigned as President of KBS, effective today".

Too many people wanted him dead in that seat, and it was much better to throw his hands up and concede.

With a child, with Lisa, he had obtained things that he cared about.

Nonetheless, his words left the entire scene in an uproar.

"Bad news, President Jeon!" That was when another man dressed in western clothing approached him with a grim look.

The man then put his hand at his sides as he bowed ninety degrees and exclaimed in anguish. "We have just received words....The old Madam....the Old Madam has passed away!"

MR. Jeon, The Heart Bandit | L.K AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now