Chapter 110

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Beside Old madam Jeon, monitors were beeping mechanically.

A doctor in a white coat was using a stethoscope and listening, before pulling up Old Madam Jeon's eyelids and flashing at it with a torchlight.

He then instructed the nurse on which medicine to use, her optimal heartbeat per minute before turning and leaving the room.

"Young Master, things don't look well for the Old Madam", The doctor said with a somber look. "You know very well that she can't take any excitement. It's lucky she survived this time, but if there's a next time...."

He did not have to finish for anyone to understand.

Old Madam Jeon could die at any moment.

Lisa looked up at Jungkook he looked calm, and was not really reacting.

She was quite surprised since he was quite obedient to the old bag.

Reasonable speaking, shouldn't he be sad?

"Got it. You may go", Jungkook said flatly.

The doctor nodded and left.

That was when Old Madam Jeon opened his eyes with much difficulty. Perhaps the lights were too glaring for her, she exclaimed feebly but coldly, "Turn the lights off!"

One of the servants was about to enter the room, but was stopped by Jungkook.

He entered and stood beside Old Madam Jeon's bed.

Assuming that it was a servant, she yelled impatiently, "Can't you hear me? Turn the lights off!"

"Are you still feeling ill, Grandma?" Jungkook suddenly spoke.

Old Madam Jeon paused, narrowing her eyes by reflex due to the glaring light.

Jungkook stared down at her. He was impassive his expression was dispassionate, nor were there any emotions his eyes.

"It's you, Jungkook...."Old Madam Jeon's usual kind smile returned.

Jungkook sat beside her, bed, the curl on his lips almost negligible. "Don't get angry too much, Grandma. It's bad for your health".

"In the end, You're still the nicest to me", Old Madam Jeon said, gratified. "You always knew how to care for me....My spoiling you wasn't a waste".

Jungkook put his hand over hers which was injected with IV fluids, his cool fingertips touching the needlepoint before suddenly pausing.

"The doctor said that you would be in danger if you get angry again, Grandma. You mustn't die".

Though those were words of concern, it was chilling when Jungkook said it.

Old Madam Jeon's smile froze then. "Jungkook....what are you talking about?"

"Your granddaughter-in-law has a nasty temper, Grandma. You need to excuse her" Jungkook's eyes were smiling but anyone who met his gaze would shudder. "But if you couldn't stand it and suddenly die, I'll give you a nice funeral".

"You've got some cheek!"

Agitated, Old Madam Jeon tried to sit up on her bed.

Jungkook kept her pinned, his smile turning even colder. "Take care of your health. It's best if you don't get too excited".

Old Madam Jeon lay down again wheezing violently as she shot him a death glare.

" white-eyed wolf!" She seethed.

"White-eyed wolf!?" Jungkook smirked in frighteningly cruel fashion. "I like the sound of that".

"You're actually turning your back on me, even telling me to die! I should never have brought you back all those years ago! Do you think you could stand where you are now without me? Everything you have comes from me! Without me, Jungkook is just no more than a fart!"

MR. Jeon, The Heart Bandit | L.K AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now