Chapter 186

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Jungkook had gone missing.

It was as if he had completely vanished and never existed in the first place.

He was not answering his calls, no one had seen him. According to Bang Chan, there had been an explosion in KBS's headquarters in Europe with, masterminded by Jeon Junghyun who had been in league with the Ahn family.

When Junghyun came to visit Lisa after some time, she was a lot skinner, with her face shrinking to the size of a palm.

Lisa glared at him coolly. "What are you doing here?"

Jeon Junghyun's lips slowly parted in a smile, and his voice was sinisterly vague, "Visiting my beautiful sister-in-law, of course".

Lisa sneered, "I'm not your sister-in-law!"

Of course, she never thought of him as her brother!

Jeon Junghyun lifted a brow but kept smiling. "Oh yes, you aren't because my brother is dead".

"He is not dead!" Lisa exclaimed rather agitatedly.

"He is". Jeon Junghyun said carefreely, as if they were discussing the life and death of some animal. "I've just returned from Europe and saw his dead body with my own eyes...."

Lisa froze as a chill swept through her whole body, and she stared at Jeon Junghyun in disbelief.

Meanwhile, Jeon Junghyun clicked his tongue and mused emotionally. "I even remember that body was burnt so terribly it was completely disfigured, and I probably would never have recognize him if he wasn't my brother and that he was wearing a silver-gray suit on that day....Tsk. It's lucky you weren't there, or you would have been frightened and disgusted...."

Lisa could not help imagine images of Jungkook's terrible death. Unable to stop herself, she pointed at the door and yelled, "Get out!"

Jeon Junghyun looked wounded, "How could you bear having me leave? I came here specially to help you with your grief? Even if my brother's dead, you will inherit his estate. You should be happy".

"Get out!" Lisa roared again.

Junghyun, however, had every intention to maintain his thick-skinned pretentious consoling to keep stabbing Lisa in the heart.

That was when Jisoo, rolling her sleeves walked up to him with the little one in tow.

They stood just in front of Junghyun, with the little one clenching his fist fiercely. "Get out! You ogre!"

With that, Jisoo pushed Junghyun out the door, not before the little one landed a kick on Junghyun's crotch.

The man immediately held his pants and glared painfully.

The door was closed in his face with a bang. He stared at it, a trace of hatred finally showing in his face.

Damn it!

Meanwhile, Lisa stared blankly out the window and dialed Jungkook's number once again.

[I'm sorry, the person you've called is unavailable. Please try again later....]

The machine-cold female voice repeated.

However, Lisa seemed to not hear it, and continue dialing stubbornly and determinedly.

She will not believe it. She will not believe what Junghyun had told her!

"Lili...." Jisoo came to her, but eventually swallowed but what she was about to say.

The little one walked up to her too, his dark expression identical to Jungkook's. "Mommy, Daddy will definitely be alright! Believe me!"

Be that as it may, Lisa was now no different from a puppet drained of all vigor. Shaking, she continued calling Jungkook's number even as tears streamed without stopping.

MR. Jeon, The Heart Bandit | L.K AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now