Chapter 150

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Lisa glanced at Eunha and quietly reminded her. "Relax President Jeon would protect you whatever happens, as long as you tell the truth"

Eunha clenched her fist and glanced at Kim GaYeon by reflex.

Kim GaYeon had a horrible look on her face and kept gesturing at Eunha for silence with her eyes.

However, Eunha summoned her courage and walked up to Park Jinyoung.

"I did it" She said.

"It's you!" Bae Suzy screamed before Jinyoung could speak. Standing up, she was ready to slap Eunha but Lisa reacted quickly and  caught her arm.

"Let me go! I'll kill her!" Bae Suzy struggled as if she was out of control.

Nonetheless, Eunha added, "Miss Bae, I do apologize as the culprit, but you must know that someone made me do it"

"Who is it? Tell me, I'll kill her!"

Eunha looked at Kim GaYeon. "It's miss Kim"

Bae Suzy looked at GaYeon in disbelief, who was looking just a little flustered. Be that as it may, she got to her feet calmly and smiled, "Lady, I don't even know you. Please don't try to frame me"

"She approached me one day after work, looking for a moment when no one's around to pass me a bottle of lavender essence, telling me that she would give me money if I put some on Miss Bae's clothes" Eunha continued apologetically, "Miss Bae, I really didn't know that You're allergic to lavender, and I really needed the money....that's why......but it really was Kim GaYeon who forced me to do it!"

"Lady, mere casual words with no evidence could get you into prison" Kim GaYeon shot back with composure and no flustering at all "I have been Suzy's manager ever since she started out as an artist, and you could I say I raised her from the start. Why would I hurt my own client? It wouldn't benefit me".

Bae Suzy nodded, convinced by her words, "That's right. GaYeon has always been my bestfriend. There's no reason she would hurt me or force you to do such a thing".

On the other hand, Eunha was a little helpless since it was the first time that she was involved in such a scene. " really was Kim GaYeon who forced me to do it! She even blackmailed me, saying that she would tell my grandmother and give her a heart attack!"

Kim GaYeon sneered. "Lady, I don't even know you. How could I threaten you? And can you show some evidence?"

Eunha pointed at the security guard behind them. "Him! He knows! He heard it on the day you sought me out!"

The security guard was Bam, and Lisa had already prepared him for this before he entered.

Hence he nodded, "Yes, I have definitely heard both of you talking about putting lavender oil on Miss Bae's clothes".

Kim GaYeon started clapping as soon as he said that, however, applauding them.

"What a magnificent performance" she said, and turned to Lisa with a mocking look. "Miss, I know that this was supposed to be your responsibility. You could have a avoided admitting it and get President Jeon to back you since you are untouchable, but don't pick some random person to frame me, please!"

Mocking Lisa in front of Jungkook face? Was she braver than a bear?

Still, Jungkook was smiling instead of getting infuriated. "My woman is untouchable, that' true".

He then paused, and shot a cold, sinister look at Kim GaYeon. "But nor should you mention her name with your stinking mouth".

Only he could use Lisa's name, and no one else.

Kim GaYeon immediately choked, afraid to talk despite her anger.

Beside Jungkook, Lisa was a little embarrassed.

What was he saying?

Everyone's here, and he was declaring that she was his?!

Shameless! And who would want to your backing!

That being said, Lisa knew that Kim GaYeon would never admit her wrongdoing so easily, and as such got the truth out of Bam before coming in.

Kim GaYeon was aware that Bam knew about her deal with Eunha although Eunha had assumed otherwise. She had even bribed him, and had him delete the video footage of the day.

Kim GaYeon just did not expect that KBS surveillance systems had backup even in case of deletion, and Bam had wisely given himself a way out.

And knowing that Kim GaYeon would never admit her guilt without evidence, Lisa forthrightly told Bae Suzy, "Miss Bae. Please come with me to control room and you would understand"

"Fine! We'll see what truth is!" Kim GaYeon exclaimed with laugh of schadenfreude. "And would you be offering an explanation if it turns out to be not my fault?"

Lisa smiled coolly. "Of course".


With Bam leading them, they went to the security control room with Kim GaYeon laughing along the way.

Her laughter soon died when she saw the black-and-white video, Kim GaYeon was indeed show talking to Eunha and passing her a small bottle, and later Bam who she handed a check.

The truth could not be more obvious.

Kim GaYeon was left dumbstryck.

"H-how could this be?!" She exclaimed in rising agitation and pointed at Bam. "But you deleted that in front of me! Why is it still here!?"


Bae Suzy landed a vicious slap on her face, "Why would you do this, Kim GaYeon! I never could have thought that it was you! You tried to kill my career, even when I treated you as a best friend?"

Park Jinyoung was enraged too. "The gall! I never treated you unfairly, how could you do this to Suzy!?"

Kim GaYeon face had gone askew from the slap, but she laughed as she held her aching cheek.

With things having come to this, she no longer had to pretend.

Her laugh soon stopped, and she glared at Bae Suzy hatefully.

"Yes, I did it. But don't you think you deserve it, Bae Suzy? Why am I a manger in the first place? Because you forced me!"

"I was supposed to make my debut too, but you went behind me and sent me all wrapped up to the higher ups, who toyed with me like a pet! In the end? All my sacrifices made you what you are now, and you even feigned sympathy and have me be your manger I hate you? You destroyed my life!"

"Don't you know how much I want to strangle you when I saw how popular you've become!?"

Kim GaYeon in agitation even as she spoke, even attempted strangle Bae Suzy only to be kicked the floor by Park Jinyoung.

"You're no longer her manger!" He roared at her, before turning to Jungkook with an apologetic smile. "President Jeon, I'm really sorry...."

Jungkook merely shot him a look of disdain and coldly cut him short. "Get lost"

Brushing off her tears, Park Jinyoung held Bae Suzy in his arms as they left.

But unbeknownst to all and at an angle where no one could see, she was smiling as if she had gotten what she wanted.

After they were gone, Bam chased out Kim Gayeon, who had been bawling crazily at the control room.

With Eunha having apologized but also becoming paler, Lisa got Jungkook to have someone escorting her back to Ocean city, since the old lady must be worrying about her back home.

Lisa breathed a long sigh of relief with the whole incident finally coming to an end, but just as she was about to call Jisoo and tell her the good news, Jungkook's phone rang.

"Jungkook, I've arrived. Come fetch me!"

Jungkook's li[s curled into a smile. "Okay".

Lisa could hear it clearly: that was a woman's voice, as tender as it was feminine.

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