Chapter 132

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"You'll see if I dare if you die!"

"Aren't you afraid I become a vengeful spirit and make you a widow on the day of your wedding?"

"Those things are female. You're so stupid"

"Jungkook was speechless.


Lisa glared at him, utterly exasperated. "A big man committing suicide just because of little setback. How embarrassing!"

Jungkook was speechless again, but this time he glared at the little one, who spread his arms innocently.

"I was just telling the truth, Daddy. You looked so hurt it looked like you're trying to kill yourself. Tsk tsk tsk tsk".

Pitiful Daddy

Fine. No painkillers now, and Lisa was actually disgusted with him

Still, Jungkook decided to beat her at their own game. "Lisa, you could tell that I only have feeling for you. I'll die if you don't marry me"

The word 'die' seemed to especially unacceptable and frightening for Lisa. "Don't try to force me, Jungkook"

"I'm forcing you"

He worried each day when she wouldn't marry him afraid that someone else would take her away.

Now, he walked up to her and caught her wrist in one stroke and pulled her closer. "You've told me that I'm important just a moment ago. Why won't you marry me?"

"Being important doesn't mean I could marry you"

And how could he be not important? He is her son's father.

A curse also flashed inside her head. She really wanted to swear!

Taking another deep breath, she said. "Fine. I can marry you, but with a one condition"

"Tell me!" Jungkook replied.

"I want a diamond ring the size of pigeon's egg, a ring with no equal in the whole wide world. Every wealth and stock under your name must also be given to me, and anything you have is going to be cleared away in case if a divorce. In other words, everything you have belongs to me. How about that?"

Lisa thought her act as a selfish, greedy woman could not be made clear.

No man would agree to such a condition.

Wealth was a symbol of authority and success to all men, not to mention that her demand was ridiculous.

He would refuse, right?

Nonetheless, a smile suddenly appeared on Jungkook's handsome face. "Alright. I promise"



"Jeon Jungkook, are you dumb? Is your brain mush?"

"I'm very much lucid"

"You knew I said that on purpose!"

"I do"

"And you still agree to it!?"

"Because I only want you. Anything else is not important" Jungkook said, his eyes swirling with twinkling stars and unrestrained tenderness.

Alright, 'not important' now, is it?

"I have another condition" Lisa added resentfully.


"I'll marry you when you're dead!"

Jungkook simply nodded as if it didn't matter to him. "Alright. I'll promise you"

MR. Jeon, The Heart Bandit | L.K AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now