Chapter 108

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Old Madam Jeon only recovered after coughing for quite a bit.

The little one walked up to him, stood on the sofa to give her a gentle rub on the back.

"Great-grandma, do you know my Mommy can do everything? She can cook, do housework and she is also an excellent fashion designer. Most importantly...." He added softly, "She will give me a sister!"

Old Madam Jeon was turned, staring in disbelief at Lisa's stomach. "You're pregnant?"

Lisa was about to answer when Jungkook put his palm over her flat stomach and spoke first, "Not yet".

"Soon" He then added after some thought.

Either way, it wouldn't be too long since the Jeon family's bangle was now in their hands.

He was a little excited just thinking about it.

On the other hand, Lisa's stomach felt scalded as if someone was branding it, and she gritted her teeth. "Who would have a child with you, Jungkook!"

Jungkook simply glanced at her wrist and lifted a brow. "What's there to be shy about? You've already met my parents".


Lisa was blushing to a crimson but not yielding. "Nonsense! I'm not shy!"

Jungkook chuckled and took her into his arms. "Good girl".

The two of them were glued so intimately as if no one was watching, while Old Madam Jeon looked on as if someone was forcing her to eat dung.

Both her grandson and great-grandson had been bewitched by that woman!


Old Madam Jeon had already instructed her servants to prepare dinner as she skies darkened.

The little one was playing with his new toys on bare feet on top of the living room carpet, while Lisa swiped through the news on the sofa in boredom.

Then Bae Suzy scandal appeared to be escalating, even taking up most headline the effect certainly should not be underestimated.

However, Jungkook did not say a word even if it could affect KBS considerably.

How could he not give an opinion as the president?

Lisa sighed quietly as she turned off her phone.

Still, there was concern in Jungkook's eyes as he looked at her worried face "Having troubles?"

Lisa shook her head.

"I'll solve it, don't worry" His voice was like a refreshing stream, washing over her anxious heart.

"No" She refused.

"Why?" Jungkook sounded upset.

"I mishandled the case in the first place. Either way, I've talked to Bae Suzy's manger I will uncover the truth so as to provide closure".

Lisa's every word was serious and firm, just as her gaze was determined.

Jungkook's heart softened and he smiled. "Alright. But come to me when you need help".

He was aware of her strong attitude never depending on others to handle her affairs.

If he stubbornly insisted on helping her, she would not merely be angry.

Because the woman had mighty self-esteem, all he had to do was stand behind her and quietly shield her.

For her part, Lisa was quite surprised that Jungkook would agree to her solution so easily.

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