Chapter 55

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Mingyu's body went cold from Lisa's slap, and he looked up at her in disbelief.

The woman had no mercy in her eyes and exuded a snowy aura. She looked at him detachedly, jut like a lofty empress.

She said she only hit sub-humans. Was that an indirect jibe?

No matter how far he had fallen, Mingyu was still the young master of the Kim family. Having been respected since a child and thereby developing an arrogant nature, he simply could not endure the humiliation.

"Lisa, really?" There was repressed anger on his face. He almost blew his own cover.

Lisa herself was not surprise by how quickly he changed his attitude.

After all, was he not the same four years ago?

Heat of the moment? Excuses.

"That's only repayment, Kim Mingyu" Lisa said coldly. "Get out of my sight before I get any angrier"

She would simply pretend she had not seen him today, and they should stay away from each other.

Mingyu's wretched disguise earned no sympathy from her, nor did she feared his enraged self all of which proved that she was not who she was once before.

Nonetheless, feeling frustrated, Mingyu stopped her again and said apologetically, "Sorry Lili....I was being impulsive a moment ago....It wasn't on purpose...."

"I say, Scumbag Kim, are you finished?"

It was then that Jisoo pulled Lisa behind her with one shove, blocking his way and glaring fiercely at him. "Can't you see that she's busy? And could you please stay away from us? Well now, can't wait to latch on to our Lisa after realizing that she's better and getting dumped by Tzuyu? You really think so highly of herself look at you, those dressed in rags....thank your ancestors Lisa even talked to you! Scram, the further the better. Don't be a sore to her eyes!"

Jisoo's mouth went off like a gatling gun, firing serious of insults that left Kim Mingyu dumbstruck.

Indeed, Jisoo was so manly Lisa almost became her fangirl right then.

"Who the hell are you?!" Mingyu cried, girting his teeth.

"Me?" Jisoo held her hips, raised her brow and snorted proudly. "The woman behind Lisa!"

Then, just as Mingyu was about to retort, an angry roar rang in the carpark. "He is there! After him!"

Mingyu's eyes tightened and fled in panic, reacting with such speed that it seemed that he had been doing that every single day.

Lisa could not help but be curious about what happened to him over the last four years.

He must have made somebody every cross there was a cut on his arm, and those other men did not look respectable.

Well, it was fine.

She stopped dwelling on it since it was none of her business.

Meanwhile, Jisoo rested her elbow on her shoulder. "What'd you thinks? Wasn't I quite cool just now?"

Lisa nodded. "So cool!"

In fact, she was almost seduced.

Jisoo then lifted her chin and spoke as if she was an overbearing President, "You little Lali. I'm now interested in my baby!"

She even moved to kiss her cheek.

Lisa quickly dodged backwards "Hey! You're being corny now. Cut down on those dramas with overbearing Presidents"


Soobin's tender voice reached them then, and the two woman quickly looked ahead to find father and son walking slowly toward them.

Jungkook's face looked moody and as cold as a glacier.

The little one appeared to be holding back some grief as well.

What could they be unhappy about?

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