Chapter 11

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"Jungkook, I......"

Tzuyu had more to say, but Jungkook was rubbing his eye brow tiredly "Bang Chan see her off"

"Miss Tzuyu this way, please" Bang Chan gestured despite his confusion.

What the hell that was the first time he heard his boss spout such nonsense with such seriousness.

That footage clearly showed that Lisa had knocked Tzuyu down.

Was Jeon Jungkook blind?

"Jungkook, I want to stay with you....."

Meanwhile, Tzuyu approached him unrelentingly.

She was clearly still holding contempt.

She tired of frame Lisa by appealing to Jungkook's sympathy so that he would teach her a lesson.

She simply did not expect that the outcome would be so troubling, and that she was the one burnt instead.

Now, even as she was about to reach Jungkook, the man abruptly lifted his eyes.

There was a glint of coldness. He looked utterly unapproachable.

In turn, Tzuyu held her breath and smiled gently instead. "If that's what you want, Kook... take care of yourself. I'll visit you again tomorrow"

Even as she turned, her face turned icy as well.

"That dammed Lisa. I'll let it go this time, but we'll see how long you can keep strutting around after I become a young mistress of the Jeon family"


Early the next day, Lisa had already put on light makeup.

"Looking good. Which lover are you meeting today?" Jisoo asked murkily with her messy bedhead.

"Interview" Lisa replied flatly as she drew her eyeliner.

Her tremendous effort the day before had successfully made her and unemployed vagrant. However, her son would starve if she would not look for a job.

"Interview? Where?" Jisoo yawned lazily.


"Mommy, good morning!" Soobin gad already washed up, and was clothed in a light-purple suit.

His little white cheek and artistic face gave him an almost doll-like appearance.

With his frame, he would probably grow to become tall, and handsome man.

"Baby, you're up early"

Lisa gave him a peck on his sweet cheek.

"Mommy's looking for work, so I'm going to cheer for Mommy"

Lisa could not help but laugh and lovingly tap his little nose. "You're really Mommy's little angel"

"No, no, no, no.....I'm Mommy's caring Kitten"

"Such sweetness!" Jisoo mumbles viciously, blowing bubbles as she brushed her teeth. "Your son is going to be a ladies' man when he grows up!"

"And what's wrong with picking up girls through actually ability?" Lisa replied proudly.

That being said, Lisa would neuter the tot herself if he really grows up to be a womanizer.

"....Fine. You win"


Lisa received the call from Bang Chan after she finished putting on her makeup.

"Apologies, Miss Lisa, but are you still expected at work because your contractual agreement has come into effect"

Lisa frowned: "Didn't President Jeon fire me yesterday?"

"That is true" Bang Chan replied, "But you absence would still be a violation of the signed contact, and the penalty is a hundred million dollars in reimbursement"

The assistant was still bemused with what had gotten into President Jeon that he would want Lisa to come back so badly.

He had the brief thought that Lisa had bewitched the President.

After all, it was all so bizarre.


On the other of the call, Lisa felt her heart tighten.

That was an astronomical! reimbursement!

"Do I have another choice?" She asked hoping faintly for an escape.

"....There is. Pay the company a hundred million, and you're free to go"

What a fart!

Would she even need to work if she could work out a hundred million?

"Doesn't that mean I have another chance to meet Jeon Jungkook?!"

Jisoo leaped up at once when she heard that Lisa was restored to her position. She was so thrilled she could explode at any moment.

Meanwhile, the tot took Lisa's hand and put it on his chest.

"Um, Mommy....My heart was actually broken when you told me that your boss is ugly and old. Here, feel it"

MR. Jeon, The Heart Bandit | L.K AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now