Chapter 144

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"Apologize" Jin repeated, pulling the middle-aged man's collar while the blood vessels in his eyes went red and glinted with coldness.

The man was suddenly afraid and unsure about how to react at once. Still, his eyes turned smartly all of a sudden, and he started yelling. "Help! This doctor is hitting me!"

At that call, the other patients' relatives waiting outside the surgery rooms all stood up to enjoy the show.

However, those words also utterly enraged Jin. Glowering, he swung his fist down without mercy.

Not one to be outdone, the man retaliated too, and they wrestled.

Still, Jin was agile. The man simply couldn't win against him as he would hit thin air with his fist every single swing, and before he could realize, Jin was already behind him, catching his wrist and squeezing. Then, as the man screamed, he arched his back and threw him over his shoulder and slammed him down heavily.

The man had his face pressed into the floor. Jin then put one knee on his joint, preventing him from struggling and getting up.

Meanwhile, the onlookers and surrounded them, even whipping out their phones to record videos.

Jisoo was so stunned she forget the pain in her cheek.

She seemed to recognize that move could Jin be the man who saved her in the bar that night?

No way. He had told her it wasn't him.

Jisoo was confused, but also feeling a bit of warmth.

He was actually going violent over her.

"I'll say it one last time"

At the same time, Jin has lost all patience. Putting his knee down heavily on the man while both hands gripped his arm forcefully, he seethed. "I'll say it one last time: A-PO-LO-GIZE!"

The man groaned away in pain. Yielding immediately, he apologized to Jisoo, "I'm sorry....I'm sorry!"

Jin finally released him in disgust and stood up, before going to Jisoo, his eyes fixed on her.

His face was cold, fierce and a lot less human. Jisoo retreated a few steps in fear.

She wasn't familiar with this Jin, as if this was the first day they met.

Then, Jin simply brushed past her.

However, just when Jisoo felt dejected, she heard him say, "Not coming?"

"Oh...." Jisoo reacted slow-wittedly, and jogged off to keep up with him.

She stared at him carefully, but quickly averted her eyes whenever he turned to her.

A nurse who was looking around in boredom at the nurses' station quickly approached Jin when she saw him approaching. "Doctor Kim, is the surgery finished?"


Jin pretended that he heard nothing but stopped after a few more steps. He stared at the nurse for a while, and after he recognized who it was, he finally said, "Bring an ice pack"

The nurse nodded in surprise. "Okay"

Jin continued forward, took his scrubs off rather roughly.

Slim waist, long legs and white hands none of his anatomy wasn't god's finest craft.

Jisoo felt that the man was a real demon for the first time.

When Jin reached his office, he handily threw the scrubs into a clothes basket and took out a large white coat from his closet to wear.

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