Chapter 184

922 27 11

KBS Headquarters, Europe.

The incident was far more serious than that Jungkook could imagine.

"President Jeon, the Ahn family is serious about making a move!" His assistant someberly said even as he followed him. "They had somehow gotten their hand on our company secrets, and every executive in the company is waiting for you at the meeting!"

Jungkook pursed his lips lightly, a rare pensiveness in his eyes.

The doors to the meeting room slowly opened, and he entered to find stockholders and elders arguing away endlessly.

All of them turned by instincts when they felt a breeze, finding Jungkook standing day imposingly despite not showing his rage.

"President Jeon, you're finally here! What should we do this time?!"

"That's right, President Jeon! Who could have leaked our company's secrets!"

It was eight in the morning when KBS stocks opened punctually as usual, only to fall to a historic low. Their intranet was occupied by the Ahn family as well, following the leak of their organization's top secrets.

The market value of KBS was falling to a new low by every passing second.

That said, everyone was aware that those top secrets could  not be reached by just anyone it was handled by the president, the vice-president, the board chairman and several major stockholders.

And those people were not that suicidal.

Jungkook slowly took the main seat, tapping his long fingers lightly on the table before looking up and calmly said, "I'm hereby announcing a one-work suspension of operations for this company".


The stockholders blew up.

"President Jeon, this is the critical moment, but you would have the company freeze up?!:

"Aren't you just fooling around?"

Jungkook smiled, "Perhaps this table would only be satisfied when this company goes bankrupt?"

Every stockholder traded glances in response, unable to say a thing tight then.

Meanwhile, Jungkook continued succinctly, each word ever imposing. "Within this week, I'll get the mold and settle things".

The meeting room was silent, all of them thinking who the mole could be even as they harbored their own motives.

After the meeting was dismissed, the meeting room became empty immediately.

Beside Jungkook, his assistant asked, "Why aren't you leaving, President Jeon?"

His eyes were closed in rest. "You can go".

He was waiting for someone.

One particular person who would appear....and at the most appropriate timing.

Then, just as the meeting room was closed, it was opened again the assistant had returned, exclaiming urgently as he ran up to Jungkook. "Oh no, President Jeon! The Ahn family has this place surrounded!"

Jungkook opened his eyes a little, but his gaze was unruffled as if he had already expected that to happen. "You can go".

The assistant was dumbfounded. "President Jeon? The Ahn family are going wild, but you are being like this...."

Jungkook's voiced turned ice-cold immediately. "Get out"

The assistant was seething in indignation, but despite looking he had more to say, he eventually left again with a snort.

MR. Jeon, The Heart Bandit | L.K AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now