Chapter 19

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At those words, she sprung up.

That look of hers as she leaped above with all she could was chokingly adorable in his eyes.

As Jungkook kept the key high above, Lisa leaped right and left even as he evaded her.

Gritting her teeth, she tried to latch herself on his arm.

However, his arm was as hard and steel, remaining unmoved. In fact, he could well lift her at any given moment.

She was tired and panting, but he was still swaying around provokingly.

Clenching her first, she was finally enraged.

"Jeon Jungkook, give it me!"

Jisoo and Soobin were still waiting for her. Why was he making a fuss without end, just like a child?

If he needed love, she could play the part of his loving mother.

Very good. She was finally showing her temper.

Still, rarely was there any person who would call him by full name....but she was one of them.

In the gloom, the woman's eyes were two bundles of flame and her cheeks were faintly flushed: It was an adorable appearance.

"I said no" There was teasing in Jungkook's voice. He seemed to have no intention of sparing her.

He enjoyed her angered appearance, which resembled a little wild cat spreading her claws.

It neither pricked nor itched, and yet simply swept him off his feet.

Wait, was it his intention to annoy her to death again?

"Fine, You win" Lisa turned and left.

There was nothing wrong with giving up. She could just make a new set of keys.

However, her giving up left his smile widening instead.

All of sudden, Lisa sneaked back and leaped up with her might.

She was trying to catch him off guard!

Nonetheless, Jungkook composedly kept the key sigh above as if he expected it, but Lisa's pointed heels also landed sharply on his leather shoes.

In the next split second.


The pair slammed heavily on the floor.

Lisa was well off, suffering little more than a sprained leg since she has a meat pillow protecting her.

On the other hand, Jungkook suffered a lot worse she almost crippled him when she stomped on him. He felt as if his bones were almost dislocated.

"Are you a idiot? Why are you so heavy but you look opposite" He growled in irrepressible anger.

While Lisa herself struggled to get up from him, she also managed a cold smile: "Are you a Pig? You're so stupid!"

"Care to repeat that?"

Jungkook gritted his teeth as he boiled with killing intent.

She actually called him a Pig and stupid!

Was she bored with life?

Lisa simply clicked her tongue. Then, her hand slipped, and she fell onto him again with a rustling sound.

Her feet really hurt and she could feel that she had twisted her wrist, and was unable to muster any strength.

She flopped repetitively, falling on him heavily each time she struggled.

Her feminine softness left his body tightening.

"Lisa....." He seethed every syllable of her name.

Jungkook's face was dark and fearsome. His eyes blazed while his voice reached a freezing point.

Damn it. Why was he having a reaction to her....

"Why are you yelling? Shut up or I'll render your impotent believe it" Lisa threatened him viciously, completely forgetting that he was her boss then.

Although she expected him to explode and gave her one almighty kick in return, Jungkook had quieted?

Even becoming a little....docile?

Nonetheless, his eyes were dancing with homicidal infernos.

Why did he share that exact same face like her son whenever they were irritated?

Hold on. Why would she think that, anyway? Could it be that Jungkook was really her son in his last life?

When Lisa picked herself up and her eyes from the floor, she found her foot lightly swollen.

Standing on one foot, she deftly took her high heels off.

Meanwhile, Jungkook slowly rose to his feet, staring at the limping woman with a twinkle in his eyes as if she was prey.

Outside, the rain was growing. When she reached the exit, Lisa felt a shiver as she watched the downpour and rubbed her arms by reflex.

What misfortune.

Jeon Jungkook, you just wait!

Muscle pig.....

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