Chapter 85

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The next day.

Jungkook woke up to find that someone has put his luggage outside the door.

Lisa had just finished washing up and was helping the little one with his  clothes, before stuffing some snacks into piggy backpack.

She felt his gaze, but did not even look up and said, "Go back to your own home"

'And don't come back'

"Reason" Jungkook replied nonchalantly, leaning on a wall and did not look surprised at all.

Lisa pinched her own finger and coolly said, "I don't want to stay with you"


His answer was direct, catching her by surprise.

However, he then added, "I'll have someone move you and the kid's stuff to my house"

Lisa finally looked up at him then. "Jungkook, I don't want to live with you"

"You don't get to have a says" He retorted, allowing no space her argument.


"Mommy, you don't want daddy anymore?" The little one blinked and tears began to drop, and his small mouth was pursed flatly,  "Boo hoo....Mommy, why you don't want Daddy anymore? Poor Daddy...."

"You top that right now!" Lisa's face turned ice-cold and she scolded him coldly. "Soobin, have I been too lenient on you lately?"

The little one flinched. All his tears were gone from his fright, and he shook his head meekly. "I'm sorry, Mommy...."

This time, she was really angry.

That was why the little one tamely stopped trying to make a fuss.

Lisa then picked him up and stood up, before turning to stride out the door.

She then drove by herself to work.

Jisoo's eyes were bulging when she saw her icy glare and the cold aura surrounding her. "What the heck? Didn't President Jeon satisfy you?"

Lisa threw her a sideways glance but say nothing as she took her seat, staring at her own computer screen.

Nobody dared to even breathe a little too loudly because she was very frightening when she's angry.

A little like the goddess of the underworld.

Jisoo pulled the little one aside and asked softly, "What's with her?"

He whispered to her about everything that had happened, and Jisoo looked at Lisa as if she is seen a ghost.

It was as if she was saying 'Why chase out poor President Jeon?'


When it was almost ten, Jisoo sent in some templates.

"Lili, this template was left by the former KBS chief fashion designer, It was tailored with the actress Jieun in mind, but it was handed to another designer when she resigned. Take a look, see if there's anything you don't like"

Lisa took it and gave a nod. "You may go"

Still, she could not calm down even though she was looking at the flowery template.

Because her head was full of Jungkook's stone-cold face.

However, if the dream last night didn't warn her, she might have still been lying to herself.

It had been nothing but a passionless one-night stand with him.

She would admit that she was caught in his recent tenderness.

MR. Jeon, The Heart Bandit | L.K AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now