Chapter 27: Biggest Mistake

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I fall alseep and here the door creek. My worst nightmare...

"Jen-" Josh says. He stops in the doorway. I prop myself with my elbow. I'm like a deer in the headlights.

"Josh... I can explain." I whipser. Max lays on his stomach. He doesn't know Josh is in the room. He lifts his head and kisses my shoulder.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKINGBASTARD!" Josh pushes Max on the floor and starts punching him. I try to stop Josh. I start pulling his shirt trying to get him off of Max.

"YOU JUST HAD TOO!" Josh keeps punching him with every word. When he lifts his arm to get punching he elbows me in the nose. For a second my vision it's blurred.

I stummble backwords and trip over my guitar. My nose is bleeding. Josh runs to me. Like he forgot everything. My nose won't stop bleeding.

"I'm sorry." He kneels next to me. Then he stands up and his jaw clenched.

"It's what you get! YOU DID THE SAME THING TO ME!" Max's face is already bruising. "Just like Lanchen!"

"She's nothing like her! Not even a bit! You know I've never stayed with someone this long before." Josh is walking closer. My vision is blurry.

"You don't even know her!" Max starts laughing. I try to get up but I keep stumbling over. Neither of them cares at this point.

"What are you talking about?" Josh says quieter.

"Oh Josh. You can get a lot out of this one with just a couple of beers." Max laughs. He looks down at me.

"Stop..." I beg, whiping the blood from my face. I'm just smearing it everywhere.

"Shut up Jen!" Josh rages. "You boozed her up! You're sick!"

"I'm sick? Should I tell her about what happened with-" Max starts.

"Don't even bring that shit up! Just get to your point!" Josh's chest is puffed out and he doesn't look like he can hold back any longer.

"She hasn't told you the biggest thing that makes her, her?" Max beats around the bush. "You know Jen told me she didn't regret hitting you with that car. That she should have drove away. It's one of her biggest regrets."

Josh looks down at me. I'm pulling myself up using the edge of the bed. I shake my head, though it gave me a big head ache.

"No...No. I never meant it." I say over and over.

"She also told me your a pig. And random shit about how horrible you are." Max continues. His face swollen. Why is he doing this!? He's ruining everything.

"Why?" I say. He looks at me, almost like he hates to see me like this.

"She also never told you about her parents. You think they live back in Arizona. They're dead. And you thought you knew her well. She lied to you without shame." Max spits blood on the floor. "Josh, you're not good enough for her. Face it, she doesn't want a bipolar, ADHD guy. She wants someone who doesn't want to feel like she's taking care of a 5 year old crazy kid who can't make up his mind."

"No, That's not true" I say trying to hold Josh's hand. He slaps my hand away.

"I know she would never want a douche bag like yourself." Josh back talks.

"Did you ever wonder why we were ever friends? Because we are both players. Douches. Dicks." Max states. "It doesn't matter anymore. All that matters is, I kissed your girl and she liked it." Max smiles. He knew what Josh was going to do once he said it.

Josh starts to wale on him. Max laughs sometimes. I try to stop them. Pushing Josh's chest away.

"You're defending him!" Josh yells.

"No! Just stop it." I yell.

"I opened up to you! And you thought that I was crazy! Then you accepted me. Now to find out you haven't been open about anything!" Josh yells.

"You don't understand." I yell back.

"It's over we are done. You can go to your dumb College out in fucking New York. I sure wasn't going to hang around and want for ever anyways. You're the biggest mistake I've ever made Jennifer." Josh picks up my guitar and throws it across my room, breaking countless of pictures of my dad and mom. I lunge myself toward him and start punching his chest.

My heart couldn't take him yelling and telling me it's over but worst breaking the only things that I have left of my family. Tears stream down my face. I keep hitting him over and over. Max pulls me off and Josh leaves.

I can hear his car turn on and the tires leave the property. I fight Max to let me go.

"Leave! I don't want you here! You fucked everything up! Just go!" I yell. I throw a book or two at him. He grabs his things and goes. I sit against my room door and sob into my knees.

After hours of sitting and wasting my day, I get up and find my phone. I find a text from Tori asking if I knew why Josh was mad. I text her back, if she could come over for the night.

I find my letter from Julliard. I should send in the letter telling them I accept and am willing to go. I have nothing else to do...

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