Chapter 10: Falling?....

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It result to reading the book once I got caught by Josh once again.

"Well, I can't do much right now Woody. Once I get the cast off this place will look great." Josh says wiping his forehead with his shirt.

"Can you go measure the planks for the steps out in front." Asks Woody. He throws a notebook on my lap. "Go get the measurements." He tells me. I shake my head no. And he points at me then the door. I get up and follow Josh to the front yard. He hops down the steps. And nothing. They don't break or creak. I decide it was a good idea to do the same.

I hop down one. Nothing. I hop down the second. Are these steps really that bad? I hop down the third and CRACK! My leg down straight down into the plank of wood. It must have cut me a bit because my leg is burning and stinging. I scream out loud, "OUCH!" Josh comes back from his car and drops the measuring tape and runs to me.

"How did this happen?" He says. "Don't move. There's some jagged pieces. You can get cut up pretty bad."

"Then what do I do?" I start to panic.

"Okay. Umm, put your hands on my shoulder. I'll hold you from the bottom and pull you straight up." He says planning it out.

"You're going to grab my ass?" I say.

"You want to get out bleeding!" He says seriously. Too late for that Josh.

"No" I mumble under my breath. He bends down and I place my hands on his shoulders. He holds me from my bottom and pulls me up.

He loses his balance and he falls. I'm on top of him. I lay there for a few seconds then I remember where I was. I raise my head. My hands on the grass right above his shoulders. His body sweaty and smells like Abercrombie and Fitch. He smiles and I smile back. A warmth spreads throughout my body.

"Ummmm," Woody says. I look up and he makes a coughing sound. Josh rolls me off of him and he stands up, helping me up. "I was going to say...nevermind." Woody says, he walks back inside.

Josh helps me up. My leg is bleeding just as I thought. It doesn't hurt to bad. Josh rushes me inside. He tells me to sit on the kitchen's counter. He leaves but comes back with peroxide, band-aids, and a shirt. He cleans the cuts and patches them up.

"Thank you?" I say. "I could have done this on my own..."

"No. I could have done it and look! I did." He smiles. "We never did get those measurements."

"Do we have to!?" I say whining.

"I rather get those stairs done as soon as possible now since there's a gaping hole and another accident isn't good." He explains. I'm about to get down and follow him and he stops me.

"Not you. You stay here clumsy." He walks outside. I'm left alone. Woody went somewhere and honestly I wouldn't want to see him right now. After how he found me and Josh.

Josh comes back and I'm sitting on the stool. I lean my head on my hand and he mimics me. I blink twice, he blinks twice. I bat my eyes, he bats his eyes. I lick my lips, He licks his lips. I wink, he winks back. I air kiss and he air kisses back. I burst out laughing. This kid won't break. I thought once you get more lovey the other person stops. Apparently not.

"Josh!" yells Woody from his office.

"Yeah!" Josh yells back.

"Your mom says your not answering your phone and she wants you home." Woody yells back.

"Well my fellow friend, it has been a delightful evening. But I am off to the house of ass kickery." He bows like a gentleman and I giggle. He gives me a hug goodbye and he leaves.

I wish he didn't have to leave. I wish he could stay here. With me. I get that funny feeling again, like before. Then I know what it is. I think I am falling for Josh.

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