Chapter 13: It Burns

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I wake up at 2 p.m. I just love sleep. I try to get as much as I can. Yesterday was the worst day since the accident. I should have told him how I felt. 

I get up and roam around the house. Woody left a note saying he wouldn't be back till tomorrow morning. Because he had a amazing story that he had been working on. I don't blame him. My father was like this. Somedays he won't come home because of his job. But I was glad to have my mother. 

I eat some left over pasta Woody bought 2 days ago. I sit on my bed listening to music. I get a text around 7 p.m. from Avan about the party details.

"Hey, party people! The throw back starts at 10 p.m. B.Y.O.B. (Bring your own booze)" I smile at the text because it's what Avan would say.

I am not a drinker but I'll go to go. I said I would but what happened between me and Josh does scare me a bit to see him. I get up and start to get ready. I pull my hair up in a messy bun and put on make up which I don't like very much. I throw on a simple blue dress that lengths to mid thigh. I put on simple black flats. I look much better than the last party at Max's house.

Around 10:15 I start to walk. It's dark and less scary than I imagined. I walk all the way to the lit up house with millions of cars surrounding. I wait at the drive way. I breath in and out and begin to walk again. I open the door to find the same scenery as the last party. Teens drinking, making fools of themselves. Teens making out in every corner and cranny they can find. And a bunch of teens shuffling.

I move through everyone trying not to rub up against them. The music is so loud I feel my body vibrating to the beat. Vomit in every trash can and the party has just started. Avan runs up to me and throws his limps arms around me. He is already drunk.

"Hey hey hey! You made it. And you look hot!" He stammers out.

"Where is Josh?" I scream into his ear so he will hear.

"Lover boy? I don't know. Making out with girls maybe. That's what he's been doing all night so far." He says. He wobbles away dancing into the crowd. Anger start to boil inside of me. NO! JEALOUSLY AND ANGER.  I start to walk into the kitchen to find water. I start to shake out of anger. I find the only bottle of water. I open it and raise it to my lips. Shaking the whole way up. 

"Hey you!" says a random drunk bastard.

"Fuck off." I say back. I say that to every guy that comes up to me. I decide I can't take it. I thought I'd come here and ditch this place with Josh like he planned. We'd go off together. I was hoping that was the moment I could tell him how I felt. But I guess he made other plans with sluts. 

As I'm passing people. I see him. With a blonde girl. He's kissing her cheek then making it to her mouth. And I thought Max was a pig. He's notices me and wobbles off the couch. I run upstairs about to throw up. I close myself in a room hyperventilating on a bed.

"JEN!" Josh yells banging on the door. "Open up!" You can distinctly hear he is drunk. I open the door and push him out of the way. He follows me out side to the front.

"Wait! Jen!" He catches up to me and grabs my arm. "Did you see that?"

"What do you think?" I say sarcastically.

"Why are you so mad? YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYWAYS!" He screams out grabbing the attention of others out here.

"You are a complete dick! GOD YOU'RE SO STUPID! I do love you! Just because I didn't say it, didn't mean I didn't feel the same way. THAT'S WHY I CAME TONIGHT! Let go of me you pig!" I yell back, I pull my arm away. I flip him off and walk down the street. "FUCK YOU!" I scream as I walk. I admit I went a bit over board but that's how I felt in that exact moment. 

I start to run down the street and warm drops of water stream my face. It's not raining but I'm crying. It's the first time I've cried in 4 years. And it's over him. 

I stop and sit on a stump, where a tree used to be. I get my phone and grab a small piece of paper from my bag. I begin to dial the number as tears fall on the screen. It rings 7 times till it answers.

"Max Holder." Says Max.

"Umm, I'm so sorry. It's Jennifer Porter. Could you do me a favor?" I say with a shaky voice.

"Jen? What's wrong?" Says Max.

"I need a ride home. Could you pick me up? Please?" I cry.

"Yeah of course. Where are you?" Max asks.

"A few miles down from Josh Mason's house." I say taking of the flats that begin to hurt my feet. 

"I'll be right there," he hangs up. And I catch my breath. I sit waiting and waiting. Soon a car's head lights pull up. The window rolls down. He smiles slightly and unlocks the door. I slowly get in and wipe my tears. 

"What happened?" Max asks.

"Nothing." I say looking out of the window. He pulls into Woody's drive way.  And gets off with me. I sit bench and look down. He has a brown paper bag with him. He sits next to me. 

"Well this will help you get over your heartbreak." He pulls out two beers. He hands me one and he opens his. I think for a while and pop it open. I start to chug it down.

"Whoa! calm down there heavy drinker!" He says taking a swig.

"Just because I didn't say I loved him. He goes off and makes out with different whores. Pathetic."  I say taking another big gulp.

"Wait Josh Mason? That guy? God, I hate him." He says.

"Join the club." I hiccup. "You know I hit him with my car!" I laugh. "Probably something I don't regret!"

"You were the one!" He replies laughing.

"Yup!" I gulp it down. It burns my stomach. "Also, I told him lies. Like how he does with me." 

"Really? Good for you." Says Max smiling. I lie down on his lap.

"I told him my parents are living in Arizona. But nope there dead!" I say drinking.

"I'm so sorry." Max apologizes.

"Yeah it's okay. He doesn't know any of this." I reply. I finish the big beer and lay looking up at the sky. "Yeah I'm going to shut up now. I think I'm drunk."

"We both are." He agrees. I burp and we laugh. 

"I'm really sleepy!' I scream out and giggle. I take Max's hand and open the door to the house. I take him up stairs to my room. I go into the bathroom and throw on a big shirt. I come back into the room and he lays in my bed. I lay next to him and I blank out. 

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