Chapter 6: The Wrong Decision

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The past few days have been very normal. I wake up, eat breakfast, watch t.v., play music, and wait for Woody to come home from work. I haven't seen Josh. I kind of wish I have. He was the only friend I had around here. Not considering Max as one at all. He was too...him. He is very hard to explain. I didn't know weather he was a dick or an actual caring person.

A knock on the door catches me off guard. It's about 10:30 p.m. Who is that? I jump up from the comfortable couch and my blanket, leaving Saw V still playing on the t.v. I open the door. Max, it had to be him.

"Why hello beautiful," He says in a seductive way while winking.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him. He tries to make his way in the house but I push him back outside. " You can't come in here."

" Well then come out here." He grabs my hand. " But your gonna have to change. You can't come dressed in that."

"I can't leave! And especially with you." I say trying to pull my hand away. He's really stronger compared to me. Obviously.

"Please, I'm having a small party at my house. It's going to be fun." He says. I hesitate to answer. "It's a nice way to meet people. Come one Jen!" he starts to plead.

It would be nice to meet new people and friends. I wouldn't have to depend on Josh and hope to see him.

"Fine. But I will need a ride home." I say. I close the door, leaving him stand outside and wait for me. I run upstairs to my room. I throw on a shirt that hangs of one of my shoulder and a pair of ripped jeans. I wasn't going to go all out to a party since it was small. And well I didn't really care. I run back downstairs I grab my purse, my phone, and keys and walk outside.

"Well, you look beautiful as always," He says admiring me.

"Save your breath," I reply. We get into his new car. The mustang. He starts it up. It takes about 15 minutes. He is a super fast driver.

We pull into the huge driveway. The house is a mansion! Huge! Bigger than I could describe. He parks and opens my door for me. We start to walk towards the marble steps. We pass a shit load of cars. He said this would be a small party. I felt out of place once we entered the doors.

Almost everybody turns to look at us. After about 3 minutes they resume to their party. I walk into the new territory. Everyone is either drinking beer, making out, or dancing. I didn't fit in neither of those activities. I didn't drink. There was no way I'd make out with anyone. And I definitely couldn't dance. Girls gave me an evil look when I ever passed them.

I was grabbing a glass of punch. Then a tap on my shoulder makes me jump. I turn around and see Josh! Oh, thank the lord! A familiar face! A smile crosses my face from ear to ear.

"Thank god your here!" I say giving Josh a bear hug.

" Thank god your here! My friend really wanted to come so I drove us here. And now I have no idea where he went. I'm having no fun whatsoever!" He says yelling over the pounding music of LMFAO.

"I was dragged here by Max. Do you know him?" I ask. I was very curious.

"Umm sure. He doesn't exactly like me." He says laughing.

"Why?" I says. I find it hilarious because Josh is probably the most likeable person I've ever met.

"We don't get along very well," Josh says. "You want to go outside for a while?"

"Yes! Please!" I reply. He takes my hand and guides me through the crowds and crowds of people. This doesn't bug me because I'd probably get lost if he didn't hold my hand. We finally find the exit to the back yard. And of course it's breath-taking. A fountain, twinkling lights, a garden you could get lost in. It's crazy beautiful.

"Much better don't you think?" He says walking over the hammock. He lays down on it. He gestures for me to lay next to him. Why not? I walk over and lay down. We both look up at the stars and the smile of the moon.

"How do you Max?" Josh asks me.

"He once gave me a ride. Not much of a meeting really. And he dragged me here tonight." I say, finding the Big Dipper.

"Whoa! You are accepted into the royalty!" He laughs at me.

"I didn't even know he was rich!" I nudge him in the ribs. He moans in pain. I sit up and hover over him. "I am so sorry! I forgot completely!" I start to massage ribs. He starts to laugh. "It's not funny!"

"Just a little. You care too much!" He cracks up. I start to get angry.

" And that's a bad thing!?" I reply aggravated.

"No...but not even my family cares. My brother punches me sometimes when we're playing rough." He laughs lightly.

"That's horrible!" I say concerned.

"Lighten up. I'm fine." He says. I lay back down and he gets up. "I need to go find Avan. Hopefully he's not dead. We need to leave soon. See you later." He smiles and walks back inside. I sit up. I decide I rather not sit here alone. I walk back inside.

'Damn I need to pee' I think to myself. I walk upstairs on the grand staircase. I place my ear on a door. I rather not walk in on anyone doing something. Silence. I knock and no one answers. 'Might as well' I say to myself. I open the door and walk in, closing it behind me. I find a girl passed out on the large fluffy bed. Drunk most likely. She looks dead to me though. I sigh, then cover her with a blanket I find on a chair. As soon as I throw it over her. She shoots up and run into the bathroom to hurl. "Great I guess I can't go to bathroom anymore," I say outloud. I head for the door and it opens. Max walks in and locks it behind him.

"There you are I've been looking all over for you." He sits me on the bed and he's next to me. He breath pungent of alcohol. 

He lays me down and lays on top of me. And places he's disgusting lips on my neck.

"GET OFF! Now!" I yell and push him off. He tugs on my shirt. " You pervert! You're drunk" I yell and slap him on the face. I unlock the door and slam it after me. I run downstairs, pushing people out of my way. I push down a boy. I gasp and help him up.

"Hi there pretty lady!" He says. Oh god another fucking drunk. "I'm Avan!" AVAN!

"You know Josh right?" I ask. Hopefully he will understand. He nods. He places his arm around my neck and I help him walk. I try to find Josh in this swarm of drunks and sexually active teens. I see him.

"Josh!" I yell over the loud music. He turns and looks relieved. He walks over and takes Avan away from me. He must really cares for this kid. I wouldn't hold him up with a broken arm.

"Thank you so much!" He thanks me. "Well, we're going to leave now. See you later." They start to leave.

"Wait!" I run outside in the front of the house. "Could I have a ride?"

"Yeah!" He says getting Avan in the back seat. I run down the million of marble steps. I hop in the front seat and we are off.

"Thank you. I couldn't stay any longer and honestly I don't think Max really planned on taking me home." I say grunting.

"Yup, he's a perve. He doesn't respect anyone." He replies driving with his free hand. I start to drift to sleep. It's like 2 in the morning. I don't care where I end up. I'm just glad it's away from Max's bed. 

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